Head/Cab and Ohms?

Aug 6, 2006
OK, I have a Mesa Boogie Dual Caliber 5 (DC-5), it has two 4 ohm outputs and one 8 ohm output. I then have two 2x12 cabs, one is a 4 ohm cab and the other is an 8 ohm cab, what is the best way to go about hooking the cabs to my head?

I have been told I should re-wire the 4 ohm cab to "inseries" and make it a 16 ohm cab and then hook the new re-wired 16 ohm cab to the 8 ohm output on the head and the 8 ohm cab to one of the 4 ohm outputs?!?!?!

Is there a way I can use what I have, not re-wire either cab and not hurt either the head or cabs?

Thank you,