Head of the Demon

Sounds fucking massive! I love it. The intro is heavy... really heavy, it chugs along in Cannibal Corpse-esque fashion, and the chaotic ending is just brilliant.
I think it's more that likely he's just scrolled down and played the sample (like I did at first) - but as you say you have to click play next to the face.

And then enjoy... (I actually read someone on another forum say Evile were the best he'd ever heard them that night)
My internet is STILL being a dickcheese so no studio version for me :( The live one was ace however. Couldn't hear the bass for shit though, so I'll have to get this working sooner or later
I think it's more that likely he's just scrolled down and played the sample (like I did at first) - but as you say you have to click play next to the face.

And then enjoy... (I actually read someone on another forum say Evile were the best he'd ever heard them that night)

At least I'm not the only one that did that. :lol:

Listening now.

This song is awesome. The ending.... Holy shit.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda shocked when it asked me if I was aged 16 or older because of the foul language.

But the new song sounds pretty cool. Can definitely hear the Death influence.
I'm happy to hear, not really surprised though. The band are obviously fans of death metal. Or at least I know Ol is, and they covered Entombed so well they clearly enjoy playing it, and play it well. So any death metal influences creeping in wouldn't come as a shock to me.

The thing that stood out from the album teaser most for me (apart from Head of the Demon) was the bass, I'm really forward to the album now. It's going to be groovy. :zombie:
I'm happy to hear, not really surprised though. The band are obviously fans of death metal. Or at least I know Ol is, and they covered Entombed so well they clearly enjoy playing it, and play it well. So any death metal influences creeping in wouldn't come as a shock to me.

The thing that stood out from the album teaser most for me (apart from Head of the Demon) was the bass, I'm really forward to the album now. It's going to be groovy. :zombie:

I felt that the drowned cover really must have rubbed off on Ol, because some of the songs feel like they have the same structure as Drowned.

Also, What You Become is really groovy. The album as a whole really feels like an alternate universe's ETG.
Ol has always been a huge death metal fan. I remember having a mass debate (intended!) over the best Morbid Angel albums on UK Thrash yearrrrrs ago.

I've always said that a bit of a deathier direction would suit Evile's music. Not the vocals, maybe bar the odd backing, but the music itself. Gotta say, liking this song a lot. Everyone's right aboot that bass too, Joel is king!