Headbanger's Ball----WARNING: Possible Spoilers


Feb 2, 2002
Just watched the Uncencored Headbanger's Ball (or whatever).
There are some spoilers here (sort of). Don't read this if you want to be suprised.


The show started out cool.
Anthrax were on it a lot.
SEE-Scott with a mohawk!
SEE-Interviews with Frankie, Charlie and Scott!
SEE-Anthrax trash your home!
There are some funny interviews and clips from old Headbanger's Ball.
It brings back some memories. But there aren't any videos-just clips.

And....well...I'll just say that it ends with a very bad note...
I saw the HB special too, and the ending was very depressing, here's why...

Rikki Rachtman is talking about how MTV is already playing bands that would be on Headbanger's Ball and that's why it should be brought back, then they show a few clips to give an example of what Rikki was talking about...System of a Down (eh), Slipknot (eh), then...LINKIN PARK (NOOOO!). If they plan on showing shit like Linkin Park then I would rather it not be brought back.

Speaking of shows that DO need to be brought back, I'm very depressed about Scott and The Rock Show being on hiatus. I checked out some of Sebastian Bach's show and while I was watching he was singing the praises of Linkin Park and how much they rock. Thank God for MTV X. You guys need to look into getting it.

Finally, if the Rock Show does come back, NO MORE INTERNET POLLS WITH RUSH AS A CHOICE.
The horror of it all. I too, many moons ago, got my heaping helping of metal videos via HB. Of course sandwiched between the 15 to 20 completely shitty videos (e.g. Poison/Ratt/Motley Crud) were the occasional gem----that is to say Anthrax, Maiden, or Slayer.

If "HB" were to come back it would be a complete joke---at least on MTV. Imagine the huge shit sandwich it would be:

Show starts,
Rikki Rachtman starts talking
--idiocy ensues--
Shitty videos by:
Linkin Park,
More Riki Rachtman drooling and ass-kissing of his "fav" band of the week: Puddle of Pudd, or whoever they are; followed by an interview and some serious ass-kissing;
Puddle of Pudd video, followed by Riki making his own puddle of Pudd.
Videos continue:
Limp Triscuit ,
Limp Triscuit,
More gibberish & wailing by RR,
Followed by a-----drum roll please---a Metallica video (Fuel or Enter Sandman),
---At this point the brick I lobbed misses the TV set (12 pack of Blatz);
---Reality comes home:
Turn TV to channel 4, start VCR and put in the video for "Return of the Killer A's" followed by Iron Maidens "From There to Eternity"
Bliss follows!!
And keep drinking Blatz.......
I'm not going to make a judgement until I actualy see the finished product. just like they had to play popular stuff before they'll hva eto do it agian. I'm sure any videos they play will be new. but there are alot of bands that were metal way back when and still are. many may not agree with me on that. but thats your opinion. I wasn't born until 81. I didn't realy know about metal until 90's so I like 80's metal alot BUT I grew up during times of change while interest in 80's metal began to dwindle out. at least in the popular eye. so I'm not realy stuck on 80's thrash. I like some of the new stuff and most of the changes that bands have made over the years. like john bush said it's like a tree. the roots stay in the ground and the trunk is what the band IS and then the leaves and branches continue to grow. of course I have my own analogy to throw in. all the time an outside force comes in and regulates it and prunes the tree. but yeah unfortunately they would have to play bullshit which is NOT metal like linkin park and limp bizfuck. which are just alternative rock boy bands.
I used to get realy pissed that no one plays the type of metal I like anymore because new popular bands don't play it therefore anyother band that does fades into the background. but I opened up. there are some good ones out there. But most I don't like. anyway. if the ball does come back I think they should let MTV2 have it because it's at least different than what MTV plays.

the head of MTV once said MTV owned americas youth.