Headbangers Ball

The old headbangers ball was awsome. Remember when they had Rob Zombie come in and paint the set for like 2 weeks and then it was given away. They dont play any good metal now, but its better then nothing.
Just a quesion? If you guys hate MTV so much why do you have MTV2? You have to order it and pay extra like you would for HBO or whatever else is out there? I saw the show on accident one night when flipping channels because MTV was doing a special MTV2 weekend thing. I didn't care for it because I am not into much thrash/death metal. I wish they would start playing other kinds of metal, as progressive and power metal is even more obscure and unappreciated than death and thrash. LOL....my friend at work always tries to get me more into thrash and stuff and I am always trying to get him into prog and we have actually learned to like a little bit of each other's music. I prob get less into his cause I cannot stand screaming death vocals, the closest I have gotten to death vocals is liking Children of Bodom, still don't like the vox cut they are maintainable since I really like the music. About the MTV2 thing, maybe in other regions it comes with basic cable, but here you have to order it.