Heading out To BW&BK2 This weekend


Feb 11, 2002
Going down Friday to the Big Show! Looking forward to seeing Grave Digger, Metal Church, Doro, Brainstorm, Katatonia, Flotsam & Jetsam and of course Chris and Ion Vein. Anyone else heading over to the show?
John, you have no idea how envious I am of you right now! :yell:

Flotasm & Jetsam? Midnight & Ben Jackson (ex-Crimson Glory)? Grave Digger? Ion Vein? ..... dammit!!!!

You'll have to definatly give us a rundown of how things went once you return!
Hope your haveing balst out there in ol' Cleveland! :Spin:

It was an interesting weekend. Met some great people out there and all the fans were great as usual. Even better behaved than last year.

Friday night was kind of a disappointment from a personal perspective, the bands were good, the sound quality was much better than last year but none of the bands performed an awe-inspiring set IMO. I found Seven Witches to be rather boring, Shadow Keep, E-Force were solid but not spectacular, same with Grave Digger (I had high hopes they'd play more from the first three albums but didn't), Doro had a real nice set (the music;) ) and still sounds great.

Saturday was a bit of a disappointment in the fact I really wanted to see Brainstorms set so after having dinner with the family I got down thier fashionably late, just in time to catch the last 3 songs they performed (instead of the whole set)...rumor has it members of Dreams of Damnation got in a fight and decided to cancel at the last minute, so they bumped up Brainstorm and extended the set times. I have to say I totally agreed with some that suggested BWBK should have moved up Shok Paris to #2 and given Brainstorm an extra 10 minutes. It was obvious from the size of the crowd and reaction I heard that a number of people were there to see Brainstorm.
Anyway, Flotsam & Jetsam certainly justified thier being added to the bill, they performed a blistering set and sounded in rare form. SHok Paris, well, lets just say they should stay retired:D . Dismember sounded OK, but I'm not into them at all. Primal Fear was tight as hell and sounded good. Even Midnight and James Rivera were singing a couple tunes together in the back while they played.

Metal Church came in with thier new lineup including Jay Reynolds (ex Malice and Ronnie Munroe (ex Rottweiler) and they just fucking ripped the place up. They played a lot of stuff from the Dark and thier first release as well as some new tunes. Ronnie sounded so good on the old material but really gave the band a different look when they played thier new material. Instead of the gruff low end vocals the new stuff was more clean "power Metal" style vocals,

OVerall despite the disappointments I had a nice weekend. Missed not have Dustin and Sheri there this year but hopefully they can make it up for #3. Met some really nice people who are going to Atlanta in Sept, so at least I'll get to see everyone at ProgPower this year. :wave:

We missed you to John!

...it's strange, your experiance at the festival sounds liek most everyone else experiance I've read out ther in syber space.

Regardless... I reallyam disapointed I had to miss Grave Digger & Flotsam & Jetsam.

However... Metal Church is coming to Utah in a week! I can't wait to see that!!!

BTW John... I saw that you tried callin' me a little while ago, and it somehow got lost in the shuffle while I was on call taht week. Go ahead and give it a try over the weekend, I should be easier to get a hold of.
