Headliner #2 Confirmed:

Well, just an aside:
I was completely anti-growls and anything remotely "death" up until Mercenary's first performance an PP4 (? - correct?) Since then, I've been blissfully grateful that I found a way to open my eyes to other metal elements. Let me explain:

When you take the chance to listen to, what you think is out of your "realm," you find that you can absorb a whole new experience, that catapults you out of what you thought was the "best" and "never-to-be-experienced-again" space in music. I'm so glad I've left the blanket of what I thought metal should be, and opened my mind to what exciting new places music, especially metal, can go. Good luck to the rest of you.
I'm in that boat too, I was never a big fan of growls. the Mercenary announcement, and my instantly checking them out, I fell in love. Now, I'm a huge fan of clean vox + growls. And yes, PP4.
Btw, Freak Kitchen still hold the record for the most negative announcement response. That ended up ok.

LOL! I'm kind of amazed Volbeat hasn't taken a worse beating, maybe FK has softened up this crowd a bit? Can't wait for Volbeat! I think they'll have the FK effect on the crowd...
... It's the realization that there is plenty of music to go around to make everyone happy.


That's a rather optimistic conclusion. It could be they realize there's no point bitching about it. What's done is done, and they can either buy a ticket or stay home.
I'll echo a few other posts. I remember the initial reaction from the Anti-growl patrol when I announced Mercenary, Orphaned Land, & Therion. All three went on to receive a tremendous response & kept the place packed. Once those with even the slightest tolerance & an open mind get over the hurt of not having a traditional prog/power headliner, they will realize just how good these guys truly are. Plus, they do not employ growls all the time. The videos I posted enforces that.

Their live reputation is impeccable.

Btw, Freak Kitchen still hold the record for the most negative announcement response. That ended up ok.

Well put Glenn. Nice to see Amorphis on the roster this year, didn't expect that, let alone the headliner, good one though. Did sending you their latest NBA release "Silent Waters" have any influence on this? If so, glad of it. As always looking forward to another great PPUSA this year! :rock:

Cheers! :kickass:
Well, just an aside:
I was completely anti-growls and anything remotely "death" up until Mercenary's first performance an PP4 (? - correct?) Since then, I've been blissfully grateful that I found a way to open my eyes to other metal elements. Let me explain:

When you take the chance to listen to, what you think is out of your "realm," you find that you can absorb a whole new experience, that catapults you out of what you thought was the "best" and "never-to-be-experienced-again" space in music. I'm so glad I've left the blanket of what I thought metal should be, and opened my mind to what exciting new places music, especially metal, can go. Good luck to the rest of you.
I started to get into them somewhere around that time as well, but I do recall being against them enough that I skipped Mercenary's performance. A few months later I became a big fan of 11 Dreams, and kind of kicked myself for a while for skipping their performance.

Uh huh. You had your chance. I'm going to stomp your fingers.


Originally Posted by Harvester
I'll echo a few other posts. I remember the initial reaction from the Anti-growl patrol when I announced Mercenary, Orphaned Land, & Therion. All three went on to receive a tremendous response & kept the place packed. Once those with even the slightest tolerance & an open mind get over the hurt of not having a traditional prog/power headliner, they will realize just how good these guys truly are.

I would say that I am/was part of the patrol in question? I know I ruffled some feathers here in the past on the topic and have no interest in repeating that. I feel that I am open minded but I also don't think that open minded equals accepting or enjoying anything thrown at you. (I am not saying that you are implying this Glen) But I have felt that there are some here that are of the opinion that if you don’t like growls then you don't have an open mind almost as if there is something wrong with someone who can't get into growls. I am open minded enough to understand that there are those that do like the growls and even within that group there are those who like it in varied degrees. Some like bands with 100% harsh vox where others like a mix and so on. I am guilty for saying in the past that harsh vox was a no talent style of singing and although I do not enjoy this style of singing for the most part ( I have enjoyed some in the Human Equation, some After Forever, the little bit used in Nocturnal Rights, etc) I do understand that my position was wrong.

Someone in this thread said "I am at a loss as to why harsh vocals are a total turnoff for a band, why is this still an issue with some?"

This person seems to be of the mind set that everyone should enjoy harsh vox. That's quite a large assumption. That would be like me saying I am at a loss that anyone likes hash vox in bands, why do people even listen to it?

Someone here said "I'm so glad I've left the blanket of what I thought metal should be, and opened my mind to what exciting new places music, especially metal, can go."

I don’t have any pre conceived idea of what metal should be. I just know what I like, and like in life, sometimes your likes and dislikes change. I am open to try things but if I don't like it, I don't like it. That is not to say that I can’t go back and try it again because I have and have found different results. I think is too much to suggest however that if any growl haters would just "give it a chance" that they will be a convert. I don't believe it (harsh vox) is for everyone just as clean soaring falsetto style vox may not be liked by a person who is into death metal exclusively.

As far as the comment about realizing just how good these guys are, I don't doubt that they are. Although I know the name, I am not familiar with the music. I have listened to many a harsh vox band only be left saying......man those guys can really play and the music is amazing but then here comes the vox that screws it all up(not to imply no talent but to say it not appealing to me). Most of these bands are very talented and much of the music it self is something I could really get into so I would never say that Amorphis is not talented as I would not say that about any other band you have booked in the past with harsh vox.

I had a great time at ProgPower last year and hoped to return this year but sadly will not. This in no way is a knock on you, the festival, or the bands. I don't think it is fair for someone to say the line up is not good because there are some very talented bands here. Having said that, I don't own one CD by any of the bands on this roster. Again, that's not a knock as I am not the barometer of what plays at PP or what is "good". I hope to return to PP in the future years to come. Make no mistake however, if I lived in Atlanta as many folks here do, I would go every year regardless to just help in keeping the scene alive.

I think Magius said it best when he commented on the lack of anti growling posts, he said" It could be they realize there's no point bitching about it. What's done is done, and they can either buy a ticket or stay home."

Having said that, I would not let a few bands that use harsh vox keep me from this festival alone if there were bands there I wanted to see. You could have had 10 harsh vox bands and Fates Warning and Symphony X headlining and I would be there.

It's been a while since I drummed up a rant on here and I hope that this one is less biting as rants before as I am happy for those who enjoy music of any kind as much as I enjoy what I like. If harsh vox is your thing, more power to you!

I will finish by saying that even though I have no intentions of attending this year that this is without a doubt the best metal festival period in the states by a long shot. The venue is great, it is run very well, the sound I found to be good despite what some would have you to believe, the people are great, and all of this and more lends to an experience that is just world class.
I encourage you to buy some CDs of the band on the roster. You might discover some stuff you like. As a SyX and Fates Warning fan I believe you'll enjoy Andromeda, Serenity, Pathosray, and the like.
I encourage you to buy some CDs of the band on the roster. You might discover some stuff you like. As a SyX and Fates Warning fan I believe you'll enjoy Andromeda, Serenity, Pathosray, and the like.

I do plan on doing this and I am sure there are bands here I will enjoy. I have no doubts about it. In regards to any concert however, I would rather go see bands I am very familiar with rather than bands I am not. I am actually very much looking forward to looking into some of these bands. I don't seem to have as much time to explore new bands as I once did but this forum and PP has been a great place to explore bands I had no knowledge of over the years.
A European power metal singer that is hard to understand clean is equal to me with a harsh voiced singer I can't understand. If the songs are good and well played and I enjoy them, I don't give a flying fuck what style the vocals are. I used to absolutely, fucking positively loathe "barking dog" vocals as I used to call them. Shit, I grew up in the hair metal days. Now, I hate that stuff. I mean I can listen to it, but I don't own anything of it anymore. Not my fault. I just progressed. I actually got into WAY heavier stuff as I got older. Usually, you might think the opposite would happen. Then I loved power metal and still do. But, the stagnant scene that power metal started to become moved me on to other metal genres, also. It started with melodeath like ARCH ENEMY, AMON AMARTH, and IN FLAMES. Then that wasn't enough and I moved on to DIMMU BORGIR, IMMORTAL, MORBID ANGEL, and CRADLE OF FILTH. Now, I love BELPHEGOR, BEHEMOTH, HATE ETERNAL, SUFFOCATION, CRYPTOPSY, and other really heavy stuff. Music is about progression. I was as closed minded on growlies as anyone could've ever possibly have been, but my eyes were opened. I only hope more of you can someday do the same. The rewards are endless.
My suggestion for those that a. Don't want too much growling & b. Are on a budget would be to grab Silent Waters & Eclipse first. Then grab the "Chapters" (Best of) to see how they evolved over the years, including the early death stuff.

Gotta disagree. I'd say you should start off with Tuonela first (arguably their best album AND it barely has any growls), if you like what you hear Eclipse and Silent Waters are the way to go.

I also think it's cool that there are here people who dislike growls but appreciate why they are there in the first place. Those who just bitch and say it's "talentless" are just sad and ignorant and it says a lot about the variety of music (or lack of thereof) they listen to.
While normally in the "anti-growl" camp, I definitely will stick around for these guys. I listened to Silent Waters and Eclipse yesterday at work via rhapsody music service and found enough cool stuff to keep me interested. I would think that having them follow Riverside will definitely help both bands since the newer Amorphis sounds like Riverside (or Riverside sounds like the newer Amorphis, depending on which you heard first). I think straight power metal fans will be twiddling their thumbs for the rest of Friday evening after Iron Savior. Although I will admit that I ducked out during Orphaned Land and Mercenary cuz I couldn't handle the vocals, I stuck around for Therion because their overall sound (keys, choir) was just so powerful I was blown away (yet don't own a single one of their CDs before or since). You never know when you will be pleasantly surprised by a live performance.
Hahaha, I got flamed a month or so ago just for suggesting these guys had the strength to headline. Glad to see everyone's changed their mind and got excited about Amorphis. Adding these guys probably makes this my favorite line up ever.
Hahaha, I got flamed a month or so ago just for suggesting these guys had the strength to headline. Glad to see everyone's changed their mind and got excited about Amorphis. Adding these guys probably makes this my favorite line up ever.

Well, I'm not "everyone" :heh:

I don't hate Amorphis, but the cookie monster factor has definately played to my own personal dislike of such vocals. I won't write the band off based on that, and I'll trust Glenn's judgement, and give them a chance.
(I'm still in shock that Volbeat has hit me so positively - Learn something new every year!:rock:)