Headphone Freq Balance dilema


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
Having bought a pair of akg k701 headphones, I have come across a dilemma that I didn't have with any previous headphones...

They sound unbalanced to me, just a tiny bit, in the bass/subbass area.

They are known for having a 150 to 400 hour burn-in period, and i'm on hour 40 more or less, so maybe the situation will improve.

Anyway, this is some negative eq i have in foobar2k that fixes the issue:


This wouldn't be a problem to most people, as they eq the living shit out of their listening equipment... but of course I want to "learn" these headphones to apply them later when mixing...

But this leads me to ask myself, and you guys, should I apply the same eq curve on the master bus of the DAW ?

That sounds either logical or completely retarded, and I can't make up my mind which one :loco:

Any of you have similar experiences ?
The K701 definitely lack bass, period. Good headphones but not at all balanced.


That being said, best thing to do IMHO would be to do whatever sounds best : do tests on how a mix sounds that way (with 2bus EQ), how it sounds without, and choose.
well, I have "developed" this method that I have a small mixer where I have everything connected and then I have the headphones connected all the time at pretty loud volume (but so that it doesn't distract when listening with monitors, so they burn in while you do your usual stuff in about a month that way. Or if you do it like me and pass out or fall asleep with music blasting, it usually takes a week or two.
Well, It seems I was worried about nothing...

70 Hour mark right now after a marathon of pendulum - in silico

Definitly the headphones sound way more balanced.

330 hours to go :loco: