Headphones for Drumming, mixing and listening to music


Jul 25, 2009
hi guyzzz
probably that's a very common question but...
I'd like to ask which could be the best headphones suporting high dBs preasure to track drums, at the same time able to mix and to listen music comfortably.
I own ATH M50S which are great for mixing and as an audio reference, but my drummer is thinking about AKG k271 which are not so isolated.

what do you think guys?
For drum recording isolation should be your absolute number one concern imo. Nothing worse than click tracks bleeding into the overhead mic's because the drummer is deaf as shit.
so, in this case, what would you choose for drum tracking?
my drummer owns the tipical Vic Firth isolation headphones but they sound like shit and are so uncomfortable… he wants something better.
Not used the AKG's myself. I've got the M50's but have never used them for drum tracking, for drums I use Extreme Isolation EX29's. Every drummer has loved them so far. Don't sound amazing but they're pretty comfortable and have very good isolation.
I dont remember the model that we have at the place I work on but I am almost sure it is the K271. Although it sounds great, it bleeds too much and I CONSTANTLY have problems with deaf musicians and click bleed.
Are you sure it's coz the musician is deaf or carnt actually hear the cluck coz they are playing on the beat, think of s slow section 90 bpm the gap between the clicks will be long and off putting, so adding the down beats will make it easier for them to aknowladge the click
i'd like to have one headphone for everything, but as I can see that's an impossible thing, so that's why I'm asking for a multitaks headphone, by the way to my drummer to be able to record things without bleeding the shit out there it's ok! I'll check EX29
i'd like to have one headphone for everything, but as I can see that's an impossible thing, so that's why I'm asking for a multitaks headphone, by the way to my drummer to be able to record things without bleeding the shit out there it's ok! I'll check EX29
OOOOOO! +1 to the Beyer-Dynamic D770!!!!!

Been using it for all 3 for years now and I LOVE those things! Caution though, you will need practice mixing with them. Personally I don't like to mix on headphones, but these have served their purpose many times over with great results. Highly recommended IMO

DT770's here. They're nice for listening, and recording drums, but not so much for mixing as they are a little bass heavy.

Once you get used to the bass heaviness, they are more than usable... but I know exactly what you're talking about haha
OOOOOO! +1 to the Beyer-Dynamic D770!!!!!

Been using it for all 3 for years now and I LOVE those things! Caution though, you will need practice mixing with them. Personally I don't like to mix on headphones, but these have served their purpose many times over with great results. Highly recommended IMO

Once you get used to the bass heaviness, they are more than usable... but I know exactly what you're talking about haha

about DT770 you mean the extra isolated version, right?
didn't know there was different versions til you mentioned it. This is the one I have...


I've BLARED the click track in it. Loud enough to go through my earplugs (I've damaged my hearing enough and I can always replace equipment, not my ears) and never had the click come through. Its shined when I recorded very quiet acoustic guitars too