
Furious B

Aug 9, 2002
I just bought all new heads for my kit. I bought Evans clear single ply resonant heads and glass 2-ply hydraulic (oil) batter heads. For my bass drum, I bought an Aquarian Super Kick III batter head and a black Evans single ply EQ3 resonant head.

To be honest, I don't know shit about drums or what heads are good or what. I basically bought all these on a friend's recommendation. So, did I get good, quality heads? Also, what heads do you like the best and why?
You made a great decision using the Aquarian kick head..As for the Evans heads,they're alright but I think Aquarian makes the best heads hands down,they have a very predominant sound.You should go out and get Aquarian heads for your toms..as for the kick drum,it should sound awesome,I have never met anyone who had disapproved of the Aquarian kick drum heads.