Headway performance


Oct 23, 2003
The Netherlands
Whoooaaa I just got back from the Headway-festival in Holland where Watchtower performed. Let's share thoughts ;)
For me it was legendary... :hotjump:


And Ron, Jason, Rick n' Doug; thnx!! Mail me for some pics ;)

fragility said:
Hmmm you couldn't be there I guess? Real pity yeah... This was the first time ever for me to see em live, and aam very glad about that. Great set too, from Tyrants in Distress to Control & Resistance to Meltdown and even covered 2112 from Rush.. damn... and all sooooo energetic...
TechMetal said:
I envie you FRNK.
How was the sound?

First of all they couldn't bring their own backline, so they played through stuff provided by the organisation I think. I'm only sure about the guitaramp. That was Marcel Coenen (Sun Caged)'s stack. I thought the guitarsound (lead-preset) sounded a bit smoother than his 'normal' sound, but it was clearly Ron playing, so aggressive attack, and the drums were tight and loud, same goes for bass. Vocals clear and agressive (damn, Jason has got some lungs man...). Overall cool sound!! I think it doesn't matter what stuff they use, they just sound like WatchTower! And especially the energy came through great, both in their sound as well as performance. Haha and about sounding aggressive : Rick hit through the snaredrum somewhere in the beginning of the set.. At least that's what a friend told me the next day, I didn't notice that... (yeah I know... how could I miss that..) :loco:
By the way, to take away some of your envy maybe... I once mailed Jason about some live videos. He sent me the Bang Your Head-fest show (2001 reunion) and told me he had lots more live-vids. (it cost me some, but it's great material!!!!) ;). He's a very nice guy, so I would do that too if I were you, TechMetal.


IOfTheStorm said:
imagination overpowers reason ...
Aahh then I've seen you yeah ;) Cool man, I spoke/saw people from all over the world. Great thing :)
Did you sing along 'Billy Jean' too? Cool thing they played that, they know how to make a song kick ass!


Boah...lucky you. I´m looking forward to seeing them too...even when I´ll miss Alan.
\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Alan's a great singer, never seen him live though, but man... Jason rules!!! Great performance too, effortless singing with sooo much power!!!
I don´t doubt this...but as I said before: Seeing Watchtower without Alan...hm, I would miss him. ;)
Jason is the standard Watchtower singer
i think Alan would be kinda "nerd-ish" for a Watchtower show, while Jason is as lunatic as the others.
and lets not forget that he disliked the singing he did for Control And Resistance