Heard the new Maiden "album".

Well, seeing as how shite BNW was, I was expecting more crap along that line, but I was pleasently surprised. Sure, it's not good all the way through, but frankly, neither are any of their other albums bar 7th Son. Paschendale is the most metal thing they've ever done. Journeyman is surprisingly good considering.
Sadly, someone let Steve out of his cage and he managed to "write" the lyrics to Age of Innocence :hurl: Jeeeesus, Alexander is bad, but AoI is frankly disgusting in its regurgitation of moronic Tory tabloid bollocks.

And the bass arpegiated powerchord intros. Must. Die.
Didn't you post this "Tory tabloid nonsense" thing on the Maiden BB? Where some arsehole (Arise) started saying Tony Martin was wrong to try and stop people stealing his stuff?

I agree about the bloody bass intros - I hate them! Give us a good guitar intro like on TNOTB or Hallowed!
I did post it over there, and I stand by it. It's simplistic reactionary bullshit. I'm planning on burning a copy of DoD without Wildest Dreams and AoI, it will be ace, the album's too long as it is. Which is a shame as the music for AoI is some of the best on the album.

I wish I was Russian, or Brazillian or something, so I could listen to great songs like Alexander and AoI and not be totally put off for the utter shite that Steve thought was acceptable as lyrics.