Hearing implants

It's kinda weird how well she speaks despite being born deaf, but that has to be the most beautiful moment ever to witness hearing for the first time.

agreed, i think it's strange how she immediately understands speak without seeing it (when the woman asks her "can you hear me?" and she's covering her face with her hands at the time) as well. but touching at any rate.
Actually saw this vid from Devin Townsend's facebook post the other day. Pretty awesome.
yep, really awesome, this happend to a good friend of mine, too.
He lost his hearing when he was 1 year old, still learned to speak decent and visited the same school I visited.
Last year, he got a hearing implant and now it seems like his hearing is way better than mine...ok I am 30%
deaf, too, but still pretty great!
I've been wanting to get the implant for a long time. I was born 100% deaf in my right ear, I mean i'm fully adapted and all but it'd probably make my job wayyyyyyyy easier. The only thing is I read that there's a slight chance that it could change your personality a little bit. And I would only be getting it for audio purposes, day to day living isnt really a problem for me I can hear everything that goes on. I just don't want to come out like a different person, if that makes any sense. Does any body have some like in depth info on this stuff?
I've been wanting to get the implant for a long time. I was born 100% deaf in my right ear, I mean i'm fully adapted and all but it'd probably make my job wayyyyyyyy easier. The only thing is I read that there's a slight chance that it could change your personality a little bit. And I would only be getting it for audio purposes, day to day living isnt really a problem for me I can hear everything that goes on. I just don't want to come out like a different person, if that makes any sense. Does any body have some like in depth info on this stuff?

well a g/f of a friend of mine had this procedure done to her and she's the same as far as i can see, for what it's worth.
Wow. Just... Wow. Some things like this little (huge for her) miracle are what makes me keep faith in human being. Some people are still capable of good, some research actually helps people. Ok, I know the company who builds this will make a shitload of money, but those researchers who have been working on the implant...

This actually made my day... Seriously, I'm not kidding at all. :) My shitty day just turned into a nice day!
@Dalinkwent48 the friend of mine who got the hearing implant didn't change at all, if there's a change
in his behavior, it's the fact that he seems to be happier, and he was a very positive guy since I know
him (21 years now, and I am 24).
And I think, due to the fact, that you're "only" deaf on one ear, it won't change your behavior, if you
want to know more, I could ask my friend about it, just hit me up.
It looks like this girl got a cochlear implant (please correct me if I am mistaken). That is really cool.

One of my wife's old friends from school had very limited hearing. She would read your lips when having a conversation with you. She was scheduled to get a cochlear implant last I knew. I will have to check and see how it turned out.
@Dalinkwent48 the friend of mine who got the hearing implant didn't change at all, if there's a change
in his behavior, it's the fact that he seems to be happier, and he was a very positive guy since I know
him (21 years now, and I am 24).
And I think, due to the fact, that you're "only" deaf on one ear, it won't change your behavior, if you
want to know more, I could ask my friend about it, just hit me up.

I would def like to know more if you're able to do that for me, that'd be awesome. This thread got me back into thinking about getting it done and I found out my neighbors cousin had it. He said that the dude came out a little depressed for a few months but he doesnt know if its from because even before the procedure he always kind of kept to himself.

But as you said its ONLY one ear. My everyday living isnt affected at all. And I am pretty adapted to it. IMO the worst part about it is if im doing monitors at a gig and someone else sets up monitor world they always put the wedge to my right. So I have to go and flip everything around. But thats a small problem lol.

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