Heathen Crusade III Pledge Thread

I hope the city doesn't change. I loved going to Minneapolis/St. Paul for the last two, especially since the weather was nice and cold. It just doesn't get cold enough for me here in the south. I thought it was an ideal location for such a fest. Although if the city has to change for the fest to continue, then so be it... but it just wouldn't be the same.
I recommend location change as in the city change, if HC was hosted in one of the big three (NYC, Chicago or LA) then one could probably expect enough locals to cover most of the cost, and all those flying in would just be a bonus, just my 2 cents, in addition flying into those cities is a lot cheaper nationally and internationally but you guys know that, not to mention that there is shit lot to do while there and awesome public transportation in NYC & Chicago

Nope... :headbang:
It would suck if it moved to NY or LA. People on the opposite coast would have to travel across the enitre country to make it. I have no idea why the local turnout was so bad last year. There really weren't very many locals there at all actually. Either way keep Station 4 is a great venue and I'd hate to leave St. Paul. The fest really gives our metal scene something to be proud of.:kickass:
It would suck if it moved to NY or LA. People on the opposite coast would have to travel across the enitre country to make it. I have no idea why the local turnout was so bad last year. There really weren't very many locals there at all actually. Either way keep Station 4 is a great venue and I'd hate to leave St. Paul. The fest really gives our metal scene something to be proud of.:kickass:

Yeah, simply put, MN is just cheaper. Hotels, food, venue cost...it's all going to be a lot cheaper than, say, NYC. As I understand it, MN might also be more convenient for the promoters, location-wise.

I'm sure all promoters have considered the following: while moving any metal fest to NYC would almost certainly double or triple the fan turnout, would that be enough to balance out the increase in hotel costs, food and drink, venue hire, etc? I'm not sure it would.

On the surface of it all, it looks like the only significant change needed to HC is a dramatic increase in fan attendance. More people need to show up, particularly locals.

Perhaps some advertising is needed.
Whoever says this needs to move to L.A, NY, or Shitcago needs to die a cancerous death. If it were to move anywhere, I'd suggest Canada.

Yellowknife would be ideal. :dopey:
Whoever says this needs to move to L.A, NY, or Shitcago needs to die a cancerous death. If it were to move anywhere, I'd suggest Canada.
Yeah, Canada. Calgary or Edmonton or Vancouver would do fine. :p
That would be rad, though if Scarab decides to put on a second Noctis Valkyries (Which is a possibility) I wouldn't want them to interfere with one another.
once again, wouldn't you much rather the festival stayed alive no matter location, or would you prefer it permamently went belly up as it did in 2007/8 due to poor local support

what does the location matter anyway if I have to get on a plane I don't give a shit if I have to fly 1000 miles or 4000 miles

Whoever says this needs to move to L.A, NY, or Shitcago needs to die a cancerous death. If it were to move anywhere, I'd suggest Canada.

Yellowknife would be ideal. :dopey:
Well, from a business standpoint, paying for the lodging in NYC or LA would jack up the price of the fest to way more then the extra people would bring in. A LOT of people seemed to come from Chicago for the fest, so that wouldn't be a bad idea, although keeping it in Minnesota would allow the fest to run without the extra costs of a big city.

Personally, I just think they need to put like 1 "commercial" act on it to grab the people like Finntroll or Amon Amarth. While I loved the lineup the past 2 years, it sadly does need that extra step to draw in the locals and casual metal observers.
at the end of the day it has to be (to some degree) about business as no one likes to lose money year after year

Well, from a business standpoint, paying for the lodging in NYC or LA would jack up the price of the fest to way more then the extra people would bring in. A LOT of people seemed to come from Chicago for the fest, so that wouldn't be a bad idea, although keeping it in Minnesota would allow the fest to run without the extra costs of a big city.

Personally, I just think they need to put like 1 "commercial" act on it to grab the people like Finntroll or Amon Amarth. While I loved the lineup the past 2 years, it sadly does need that extra step to draw in the locals and casual metal observers.
John and Kris are composing these festivals for their love of music, not their love of money. They could have easily grabbed a couple shit bands as headliners and made a pretty shekel. Thankfully they've made it clear that compromise is not an option by skipping over 2008 to regain their bearings, and bring us a heathen dose of quality methull later down the turnpike.
no one ever said that they're doing it for the money, no one that is involved in this scene (bands, distros, etc.) is doing it for the money as let's face it, there is none , at least not in this part of the world, it just amazes me, that for the size of this country and population such a festival can't even draw a descent crowd, fuckin' sad affair

John and Kris are composing these festivals for their love of music, not their love of money. They could have easily grabbed a couple shit bands as headliners and made a pretty shekel. Thankfully they've made it clear that compromise is not an option by skipping over 2008 to regain their bearings, and bring us a heathen dose of quality methull later down the turnpike.
Dunno about the venues, but book your ice hotels early - they tend to fill up with penguins and 5 million year old cavemen during peak season (the latter group being the world's first experimentation with human cryogenics).