Heathen Update..........."The Bay Will Slay Tour?"

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
HEATHEN Rule Out Reunion With Guitarist DOUG PIERCY - Dec. 17, 2003

Darren Minter, drummer for the reunited late '80s San Francisco Bay Area metallers HEATHEN, has posted the following message on the band's official forum:

"First off, we are going to settle this right here and right now. [Guitarist] Doug Piercy will not be joining us now or anytime in the foreseeable future. I know this may upset some people but at this point we have had enough about the 'What Is HEATHEN without Doug' topic and if it matters to anyone, WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!!! Enough with the soap opera 'he said she said' bullshit. That is the way it is for now and if you don't like it (you know who you are) then go cry to Doug about it 'cause we don't want to hear it on our board. If you want to talk about Doug and the great things he has done with the band in the past that's fine, none of us have a problem with that so let's put all the bullshit behind us... That's all we have to say about that.

"As a lot of you know, the artwork takes a long time to finish when trying to put out a new (or old) product and that is what is taking the most time right now. We've got it pretty much handled though so hang on. We want to have the 'Recovered' album [of covers and rarities] out in March (hopefully) and we think we will be able to get a few new fans here and abroad. As for the NEW HEATHEN album, we are going to start to put everything together next year around the same time the 'Recovered' album is coming out so we can try and get a fall release. We would also like to put a Bay Area package together to tour ruthlessly around the globe to bring a brand of Bay Area metal to fans that might not have had a chance to experience this kind of music, mainly for the fact that nu metal is very dominant in the mainstream at this point but we did it once with a Bay Area crunch that was herd around the world and I think we can do it again...(Bay Will Slay Tour)."

From Blabbermouth.Net
From someone who has always thought that Heathen was an awesome bunch of musicians, and have written some killer music , I am looking forward to seeing them live. I have never gotten to see them. Sounds great ! Oh, and man , they must have been hearing way too much of that shit that w/o Doug they are not the same blah blah blah , probably the same as whenever I go to Testament shows, I hear people always say that they miss Alex Skolnick and get Alex back blah blah. I think it's cool that they have the balls to tell everyone to fuggin get over it, ha ! What's the story though, why won't Doug get back w/ them ? Possible Death Angel / Heathen US tour ? :cool:
hiddenlegions said:
From someone who has always thought that Heathen was an awesome bunch of musicians, and have written some killer music , I am looking forward to seeing them live. I have never gotten to see them. Sounds great ! Oh, and man , they must have been hearing way too much of that shit that w/o Doug they are not the same blah blah blah , probably the same as whenever I go to Testament shows, I hear people always say that they miss Alex Skolnick and get Alex back blah blah. I think it's cool that they have the balls to tell everyone to fuggin get over it, ha ! What's the story though, why won't Doug get back w/ them ? Possible Death Angel / Heathen US tour ? :cool:
Thats a good comparisson(Alex-Doug....Testament-Heathen), after talking to Doug in Germany, last month, & talking to the guys in Heathen, I know the real reasons........for one Doug really would like to reunite, but the other guys(Dave, Lee, & Darrin...mostly), are dead set against it, & still hold a grudge, from years ago, and just won't forgive and forget.......