HEAVEN'S CRY- Please Read this!


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
For those new to the progressive genre or to those who missed 2 amazing prog gems, here's your chance! Progressive metal band Heaven's Cry (now disbanded) released 2 amazing cd's before calling it quits. However, they remastered both cd's (the first has 2 bonus tracks) and are available for FREE download at high quality (256 bitrate)!!! How cool is that? Heaven's Cry "food for thought substitute" and "primal power addiction" are MUST HAVES! They even included the lyrics! These cd's are long out of print!!!

Just downloaded all three (two CDs plus their Demo) and made a donation via PayPal. (These guys worked hard to create their music. I'm sure it wasn't "free" to them.)

I wasn't familiar with Heaven's Cry before, and wouldn't be today if not for this post and the band's interest in making their albums available as free downloads. So kudos to Wherewolf...and a BIG THANKS to the band for allowing us to discover their music -- in high-quality remastered form, no less!

Sorry to hear they broke up, but that's super cool that they're doing this.

Food for Thought Substitute is actually one of my *favorite* prog-metal CDs. Amazing disc, not a bad song on it. Primal Power Addiction is also very good, too.

Don't pass up this chance for GREAT music, and as PurpleCrayonWriter did, make a donation! These guys worked hard to make their music, so give 'em something for it...$5 for two CDs would be a bargain, no?

I'm glad to see the positive response and new fans too, that's great!! I bought both these cd's way back and I have to say they both stand the test of time! Thanks to Heaven's Cry!
Pierre from HC here!:)

I was searching on google trying to figure out why we had more people registering on the Heaven's Cry website on July 31st! That's when I found this thread! Thanks for spreading the word around about our music Werewolf!

I wanted to let you know that none of us could never really let go of this project. The members of Heaven's cry are still playing music in other bands and working as musicians. The word between us has always been that when we would have everything we need (equipment etc.) to pursue Heaven's Cry, we would go for it. For me, HC as a lifetime project.

We want to let you know that Heaven's Cry is not dead yet. :headbang: I will be releasing 3 songs that we recorded a while ago. They will be available in the download section of our website. I am working on final mixes. It is just not as time consuming as it was back then with the new technologies available. You'll hear from us when it's ready! :)

Share the music! ;-)

Pierre from HC here!:)

I was searching on google trying to figure out why we had more people registering on the Heaven's Cry website on July 31st! That's when I found this thread! Thanks for spreading the word around about our music Werewolf!

I wanted to let you know that none of us could never really let go of this project. The members of Heaven's cry are still playing music in other bands and working as musicians. The word between us has always been that when we would have everything we need (equipment etc.) to pursue Heaven's Cry, we would go for it. For me, HC as a lifetime project.

We want to let you know that Heaven's Cry is not dead yet. :headbang: I will be releasing 3 songs that we recorded a while ago. They will be available in the download section of our website. I am working on final mixes. It is just not as time consuming as it was back then with the new technologies available. You'll hear from us when it's ready! :)

Share the music! ;-)


Hi Pierre,

Thanks for stopping by.

I appreciate you making your music available as free downloads on your site. I hope many have taken advantage of the Donate option to help you with costs and to repay you for the hard you guys invested making the music to begin with.

I look forward to hearing the three additional songs.

Good luck with your projects!


Thanks PurpleCrayonWriter! :)

As you probably know, we would've done things differently if it was for the money. If we would've had more budget also! Haha :p We want the music to make it's way, to be out there. That's all!

The best thing would be if the people who download our music like it and introduce the band to the people they know. That's better than a donation. ;-)

The new songs are not left-overs, they were recorded for the 3rd album. The same goal was there when we wrote the songs, to explore musically and lyrically. We have 7 more songs for this album but never got to record them properly. We were all pretty busy and decided to come back to it in the future. I miss )-| ( a lot and I love those 3 songs... I will find time to finish the mix!