Heavy gig in Melbourne on Friday


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
For those of you in Melbourne, and into this stuff, there's a gig on at the Espy tomorrow night featuring:

Omnium Gathering

Unless something comes up, like the sudden onset of testicular cancer, I'll be there with bells on. You should all know what I look like by now from that photos thread, so if you see me come and say hi! If anyone here goes, that is......... I've not been to a gig in Melbourne since October 2001 (saw a few in Indo though), so it's about time I got out.
There are heaps of gigs on this weekend! There is that one you mentioned, plus:

Friday - Pegazus plus 3 supports at the Hi-Fi Bar
Saturday - Nightcrawler playing 2 sets at the Barley Corn, 10:30pm
Sunday - Kiss Konvention at the Corner Hotel at 6pm featuring Kissteria on stage at 11pm.

I wanna go to all 3 of them... I was gonna go to Pegazus tonight but unfortunately I'm sick at the moment. I wanna make sure I'm better by Sunday coz I just CAN'T miss Kissteria so I'll probably skip Pegazus and Nightcrawler and get myself healthy so I can enjoy Kissteria on Sunday :)

Rumour has it that Bruce Kulick shall be touring again also by the middle of the year, hopefully another Kiss Konvention show at The Corner like last time! :rock:
Anyone interested my friends band s playing the Barley Corn tonight (not metal - they do covers of creed and bands like that - mostly modern stuff) - pretty good actually.

Nightcrawler were good last time I think.

U going Trent >?< (Sat. night)
Ill be at the gig tonite at the espy
its gonna kick major arse!
and im going to the arthouse saturday nite for:
Fuck..Im Dead, Captain Cleanoff, Vaginal Carnage, The day everything became nothing.

Should be a brutal nite...
Nah I won't be going tomorrow night Jason, my mum's boyfriend has booked us all into some dinner thing somewhere so I can't :(

Rick from Battalion is in Nightcrawler now too, since Battalion broke up. He just plays guitar in them, doesn't sing. Which is good because his vocals sucked in Battalion I thought.

Kissteria is gonna be awesome :)
I might go to the Kiss thingy. :)

It would be awesome if Bruce Kulick tours again! :rock:
I think Captain Cleanoff is a great band name haha! :lol:

Sydo hell yeah if Bruce tours again it would be great! I wanna make an Asylum era costume to wear hahahaha!!!