Heavy Metal And You: By Chris Krovatin


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga
After hearing about this book for a few months, I finally convinced my local Waldenbooks to order a copy for me, and breezed through it overnight (My working the nightshift at my local Sonic Restautant has got my sleeping schedual fucked). What I have to say is just....wow. It's an extremlely engaging tale of those glory years of partying, bullshitting, and metal, and the things that these factors touch on in life.

Details can be found here


I highly recomend that any metal fan give it a read, although you'll probably find the "Holden for Metal Fans" character a bit hard to swallow. You'll smile, feel empathy, and enjoy the same flury of emotions that come with this crazy lifestyle we metalheads tend to lead.

Then again, I'm also a Dean Koontz dork, so I could be wrong.
A lot of that book was just plain ridiculous, like the scene where he confronts the kid who calls him a goth by accident. But some of it was genuinely funny for me, like running into that girl at the movies. Overall the book reads like a first effort, really, but I enjoyed it. Fun.
biggs0072000 said:
After hearing about this book for a few months, I finally convinced my local Waldenbooks to order a copy for me, and breezed through it overnight (My working the nightshift at my local Sonic Restautant has got my sleeping schedual fucked).

You and MetalRose should seriously get together.


Free Sonic food for MetalRose! :headbang: