Heavy metal fans - You could take them home to meet your mother!


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were saying about all these heavy metal fans that have been arrested in Morocco (for having snakes, skull and cross bones, and other 'heavy metal stuff').

They were interviewng the bloke who runs the Rock City in Nottingham. He said that on friday nights they have a 'normal' night (crap music in other words!), amd on saturday it is heavy metal night. He said he prefers saturdays because the headbangers do less damage and cause no trouble.

In all the years I have been going to gigs I have never seen one bit of trouble or one fight. And everyone thinks we are so nasty!!!
I know what you mean I happily go to metal gigs alone and feel completely safe, but I wouldn't go to a trendy club alone cos you're almost guaranteed trouble.
In my youth I used to frequent Jillys (now Rockworld) Manchester and there was a large "dance" club named Rotters opposite, where the alleged normal people hung out! To cut a long story short it used to go off outside there every week and numerous times we were locked in Jillys, mainly because the Police on seeing someone with Jeans and long hair would nick us, even if we had just stepped out of Jillys. Bizarre but true, the old adage of "never judge a book by its cover" was never more true on those nights.

Here, here! I've only seen one scrap at a metal show and the guy seemed to me to be there JUST to cause trouble. I've been going to shows since I was 14 (I'm 33 now) and I've met the nicest folks at shows when I've gone alone. It's those trendy f**ks you have to watch out for... they have something to prove.

God knows what it is.
I think that you will find this is true with most leftfield music.I have seen punk,indie and almost any type off band live and never seen any trouble.But every time I go out with work mates it kicks off.When I first went to any kinda dance thing it was great but last time I went to a dance night there was a feeling of menace maybe its sign of the times but I have felt like that at a Rock club /gig.