Heavy Metal Kitty

That poor kittie is probably suffering some brain problem.. look at its pupils also, and the way it moves its head. A friend of mine had a cat with epilepsia and I don't remember what other problem, and the poor thing was always suffering these kind of things and well..
First time I saw that video, I didn't exactly know what was going on with that cat, but 'I know' there was something very wrong with it, until I asked that friend of mine.. and then I was like :cry:
I love cats. I have two. That video was supposed to be funny, but it wasn't funny at all for me. I had to delete it, but I suppose you guys didn't know what was going on with the poor thing?
I have had alot of cats in my day, and their pupils dilate for lots of normal healthy reasons, like anytime they are playing or get excited or scared or goofy etc...the head bobbing, well...i'd seen this video before as I regularly visit ebaum's world, but never associated with feline epilepsy, and I kind of still don't, because epileptic seizures are pretty violent.