Heavy Mix Criticism Wanted (Core-ish type music)


New Metal Member
Dec 24, 2011
Dallas, TX, USA
This is my second post and a follow up to this http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...ever-post-lemme-know-how-bad-i-really-am.html thread.

I pretty much redid the all the production with exception to all the notes played, hence why it took a week :lol:

The drums are now kick and snare samples instead of standard ol' DFH garbage.

I also did some research and decided to switch to GTR amp sims instead of Guitar Rig thanks to some Christmas funds :D
Guitar Tweaks also included gating and panning, which were not included in the previous release.

Still no Bass yet /: as I can't find anyone willing to let me borrow it for more than five minutes... Those greedy...

Anyway, heavy criticism is greatly appreciated and lots of compliments never hurt either ;)

(NOTE: I also switched to dropbox since everyone here seems to appreciate that more :p)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24236738/Music/11_58 No Vox.m4a
Well in REAPER im using the GTR Mono to Stereo Tool Rack...so they're all stereo... There aren't different parts for each side of the mix though so maybe that's what you're hearing. Everything is panned evenly. And I just double checked the plugin output and it's sending it out stereo. Or maybe I'm just stupid, which is quite possible :)
Did you track once and duplicated the track then panned it? if so, it's wrong.
Since there's no bass and it's only mono guitars I don't think it can be considered as ''a mix''.
did you copy the the guitar you recorded to left/right? cuz if, then you get a MONO effect instead of stereo panning.. you have to play the left guitar swell as the right one, otherwise you lack on the fat stereo effect.
in one word: guitars aren't panned!!!! thats the first thing i´d go for to get a "mix". this sounds like a demo!
if you don't have someone to play bass or you can't borrow one, then simply just do it with trillion (midi bass plugin).
lets talk about the drums after you got the guitars down ;-)
The overdubs are in stereo but the mains are not. Weird. Something isn't routed right. Leads sound stereo as well. Double check your routing in your DAW cause something is off somewhere. That shit is straight up the middle.
I really appreciate all the feedback guys! And addressing the stereo problem/issue. My project crashed during the middle of production so I was forced to listen to all the little clips looking for the right ones. Long story short Redline was right and I take total responsibility, as it is the same guitar take, so I feel mega stupid :rofl:

One other thing that may help to further the understanding for the future. Regardless of the take, The guitars chain is

Fast Track Pro > Waves GTR > Panned 90% Left and Right (double tracked respectively)

If this isn't necessarily gonna help/hinder the "stereo" guitar effect I would love to know :D

Also if you could describe the drums in one word, what would it be? So I have time to take it all in :)

Thanks for all the feedback and keep it coming!
Hey guys, I appreciate the feedback! I'm gonna get some new strings and re record most of the guitars, but probably all of them. I also just got my hands on a pair of Studio Monitors (finally!) so I can get a better "look" at my mix. Now I hear what everyone is sayin :D

I'll be back in a few :)
I hear rhythm gats in the middle and overdubs on the right. I turned it off after that. Hehe