Neurosis type band... Mix Suggestions?


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
First off, thanks for clicking on the thread and reading!

A couple weeks a go, I posted a video clip of a band in the is a song from that session. Its a work in progress. In ways, im happy with it, in others not so much. The band loves the mix, but they are used to really bad recordings. Btw, all recording for 6 tracks was done in a total of 11 hrs. I never have a good amount of time to record due to band's budgets. Awakening- RoughMP3.mp3

Session info:
They didnt want any drum replacement (but I replaced the kick!!! I had to) and the guitar player wanted "His Sound" on the cd. Problem is, he had a low end crate head, and a hartke cab. I had him Double track it with a DI box though, so I had atleast some control over some of the gtrs. His amp track is on the left. DI with amp sim on right.
The bassist was sloppier than the rest of them if you can believe that, so the guitarist redid the bass tracks.
The drummer...well you can hear...thats all im gonna say.

I did a demo for the guitarist's other band a few months back, and he thought that was too polished. He wants this to be a "dirty mix". They are gonna get it put on vinyl as well as cd. They want it to be real to how they sound live. Ive seen them live, this sounds much better! haha.
ALSO, there is a crazy hiss in one of the clean gtr parts that I have no clue how it got there. He is gonna come back in and retrack that, unless I can figure out how to get rid of it. I tried a gate, but It didnt do it without messing with the good audio. Anyway, no big deal. I just wanted to say that I know thats there and it will be fixed. Also, vox dont start until halfway through.

Any suggestions to make this mix better or a tip for mixing a band like this would be cool. I have 5 more songs to do for these guys, and they will all be the same struggle to sound decent.
Thanks again for reading!
40 views and no comments...does it suck that bad or something?? Im no pro, ill be the first to admit that!

Im going back tomorrow to make a few changes on this and start mixing another song.
Oh man, you're in bad luck, that guitar tone is horrid.

First of all those drums need space, send it to a convulution reverb with a nice hall/large room reverb, maybe even compress that reverb a bit.

Parallel compression for the drums. That snare absolutely needs sample augmentation, no other way around it. More extreme eq on the kick, it lacks punch.

Eq the fuck out of those guitars, that metalzone fizz and mud has got to go away.

well, i cant replace the snare. no way around it. they simply do not want it.
I will throw a reverb on the drums for space as you guys suggested!
Any tips to to make the guitar better? Such as which EQ freqs to cut?
He wants "his sound" on the record, but it is horrible...i know. I even told him that. :lol:
Thanks for replying!