Suggestions for final mix


Aug 2, 2007
Tracked 4 songs for these guys over the weekend.
Doing the mix on Tuesday but did an overall balance and rough mix today including a quick ozone limit for the band to have a listen to before the mix.
Any suggestions for the final mix?

I might upload the tracks for this if anyone's interested. Real drums and everyone is playing well and in time.
(where is the best place to upload 800mb these days)

it sounds a little dry and a bit scattered. i would aim for more clarity between the instruments, maybe giving each instrument more of its own space. i think eqing could help a lot..
Metalcore with gay keyboards? The songs sucks hard balls. The mix is not great either, low end is overwhelming in a bad way, the snare is buried a lot in the mix and the guitars are very fizzy. The voice is also a shit but not your fault!lol
Ha ha. Brutally honest.
I didn't do any production with these guys. Just tracking and mix.
I will have to watch the low end, especially with the very low tuning.
Doing the final mixes later today so I will post it later.