Not metal...southern rock/blues type band..catchy song though!


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
I did a free studio time give away last month or so, and these guys won. Well, actually it was the singer, but he had his friends from a popular local blues band play guitar and drums for the session. It was pretty fun recording those guys. Drums, bass and main guitar were recorded first and together. Then we recorded other backing guitar parts and vocals.
About the session...
Drummer played on the studio kit, which is very different than his kit. He did bring his snare though.
Kick drum was replaced with a dw 22inch kick sample. A more rock type kick rather than the metal sounding studio kick. I had to keep the snare natural, because the OH's picked up way too much snare, I processed the snare track with EQ a certain way to compensate with what was not in the OH snare sound. I think it worked out, im happy with it. He didnt hit any toms at all, so I didnt use those tracks obviously. Bass was direct and the guitars were recorded with a 57 mic'ed up to a very old Fender reverb amp. Vocal track was recorded with a 57.
I sent this mix to the guy to see how he liked it and if he wanted to change anything. One thing I noticed, was the very first snare hit sounds it hit the reverb harder than any other hits. Atleast thats what I think. Ill find out for sure tomorrow what is going on.
I think its a good mix. Any suggestions to make something better would be awesome. & The Hurricanes-MP3.mp3
Thanks for listening!
Definitely digging the live vibe on this. The music's pretty killer, too. I always envy a guitarist that can play slide.