Rock type stuff. Real drums


Mar 9, 2009
A local band I know got me to do a demo for them. 1 song. Thought I'd stay clear of total sample replacement. I've added some Slate Z5's in behind the snare and toms, just because :)

The drums were recorded in a yacht club. It's a big open room with 1 or 2 person yachts around the room. As you walk in there's a decent sized concrete wall entrance. I stuck a Studio Projects B1 out there for a sort of roomy/reverb type sound. Worked well, it's just blending in with the kit. I used two SM57's as room mics out front of the kit. Snare was double mics with a Beta 57 on top and an SM57 on the bottom. D6 on kick, SM57 on rack tom, MD421 on floor tom, C1000 on hats and Oktava MK-012's as overheads. Unfortunately, I never took any samples of the kit, could've done with the kick at the very least.

Having all sorts of trouble with the kick tbh, I don't want it to be too clicky but I still want it to cut and not disappear. It's closer than I had it earlier, but if anyone has any tips on that, please... help! :)

The bass was just DI'd and split into the Sansamp for grit. I think I've overdone the grit in the second verse, though... I think it works. The first verse bass is tapped so I've struggled with the level of it.

The guitars are all Pod Farm. Dirty was the SLO model with the Recto cab and the cleans were the JCM900 clean with a Recto cab. The noise at the end was done with my Line 6 DL4... just for fun. These guys are very into the Grungy type sound... hence the noise and non perfect guitar solo. The bends were miles apart, but we liked it.

Vocals were voice into my newly acquired SM7.

Looking for any sort of feedback. I've gotten my disclaimers in... so fire away :) I suspect the bass and kick are the biggest faults in here.

Cheers for looking IS A WARNING MM5.mp3
Digging your toms and the clean guitar tone - really atmospheric jeid. I don't like the vocalist very much though, I think he's the weak link in a great track, then the midrange in the electrics really comes along and hits him for six :lol:. Not really your problem though, i'm sure he'd love me for saying that too. Is that the tardis taking off at the end? I recall that was piano strings in the original rather than guitar strings haha lol.
Thanks Kev, appreciate that... especially since I tuned the toms ;) haha. I sat at the guys kit and hit the toms and they were deader than dead. I could actually take two of the nuts off with my fingers.

The noise in the end is the Line 6 DL4 on the analog setting, although... now you mention it, it does sound like a spaceship. If you crank the repeat to full and then put the delay time to zero, it feeds back on itself and does crazy noises and then if you twiddle the delay knob, you adjust the feeding back sound so you're delaying the delay. It really does make for some super serial noise! He played one chords and I did the rest :D

The vocals are a bit disappointing, I agree. The chorus needs to lift more.

Overall, if it was my song, I'd change a lot of it, but it's not... I'm just here to make suggestions and make it sound as good as I can. I think they're going to be coming back to do an EP next year.
Overall I'm liking the sound of this track. Couple things I notice.

The bass grit is awesome, but there's too much high end and is kind of distracting. Maybe eq it instead of taking grit out?

The snare sounds awesome! But is too loud. Maybe just down a few db, I like the ambiance of it so I doubt more verb would help.

The Kick doesn't have enough low end. I'd maybe sit some kick 6 underneath it slightly. I think it has the right top end presence, but no BOOM.

Everything else is pretty solid.
Thanks man. I'm definitely staying away from the Slate stuff on this though.

I'll get another listen in the morning when my ears are fresh again :)

Cheers for the comments.