Heavy Palm-Muting - Note goes # like a mother*ucker - Solutions?

I use Dunlop Tri Stubby 2 & 3mm (can't go back to anything that flexes), will check out the Dunlop strings, locking the bridge helped the most though, even for just coombaya-chord-strumming and the palm pushing the bridge sharp etc.

I don't "slam" into the strings though, it's more a quick, hard "whip-like" attack, so I think getting some kind of technique down also helps a BIT (but sorting out the non esoteric stuff first always helps the most)
Have you noticed the same pitch problems in standard tuning? Dropped tunings are a bitch to keep in tune when playing, you'll always have a string that has something "weird" about its tension.
I play in drop B, have tried ridiculous string gauges ( up to a 74 for the low b) and had the same problem. Had to keep on a 60 because my hand started to hurt a little. The biggest improvement was to change the big pick I was using ( tortex 88) for a smaller one like the jazzIII or the black ice ones. But it still does it.
Acho que será melhor trabalhares a tua tecnica, porque estar a tocar com mta força vai trazer problemas de afinaçao quando gravares, mesmo sem floyd rose. E depois também perdes definiçao nos palm mutes quando e dado com mta força. A força essencial e de forma controlada acho que é o ideal. Digo isto por experiencia propria. Nem mto ao de leve nem com mta força. Quando precisares de mais ataque e definiçao, tocas com uma palheta mais fina, quando precisas de mais low end, menos ruidos, tocas com uma palheta mais grossa.
so much things to try when i get home :)

thanks people, I'll try to control my technique (with different picks too) and if I still get the problems I'll try to block my trem while tracking...

Palm muting, I feel is a misunderstood technique in metal. It is exactly how is sound, you MUTE the strings by the bridge with your palm, NOT push on it.

In those real dark breaks, some guitarist will put lots of pressure on the bridge to bring up the pitch somewhere between a half a semi-tone and a full semi tone(halfstep). So that said, if you do heavy palm muting on an open D power chord, your gunna get somewhere in the range of D to D#, giving you that chromatic/tritone esque feel.

Now... with all that said, you can absolutely get a heavy palm mute without the tuning issue. simply put more flesh on the strings. Just like sweeping, palm muting is the right balance of flesh and string, to retain sustain and deepness.