Heavy/sub genre/ sub genre band. WOA REAL EVERYTHING!


New Metal Member
Jun 24, 2009
Alright guys. My first post here after much lurking.
Tear me down here. I've been working on this band for so long now I don't even know what to say about the production.

Everything is real. No DI anything, no superior drummer. Blended Slate WAV samples where necessary.
I hate the current programmed, over-everything sound. I stay away from it.

I feel that I tend to leave out some key freq's, but these are my ears so I need some outside advice.

I think the guitars are a bit cloudy, vocals are too up front, and some other things.

Thanks Guys

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36102494/Truthfully Mastering Bounce 9.wav
this is actually awesome. reminds of architects newest album except the music isn't complete shit. well done. that kick is so bad-ass. the guitars though I feel are a bit 2D, or "life lacking".
Vocals a tad loud but everything else is top notch, I like the natural feel of it but it sounds a bit over-compressed on the master bus at some places..
Thanks for the comments guys. Im making some edits to it now and will re-up it later with the finished version of it.