Hecate Enthroned worth it or not?

Jun 25, 2004
Just wanted to know if this is a good band to get into or not.. i dont recall anyone mentioning them before... if good which albums worth getting first etc.. :confused:
A carbon-copy of Cradle of Filth, as far as I know from the songs that I heard, albeit not quite as gay. My point still stands: avoid them.
i like hecate enthroned.. yeah, there are a lot of similarities to CoF, but at least they didn't turn as mainstream as CoF, and there are some damn good riffs throughout their career, 1/3 death metal, 2/3 black metal, i've not heard anything recently, but got their first 4 releases, and seen them 7 times and they are a good band..
Profanity said:
They are Britains best Black Metal band, much better than Cradle Of Faggots.

Pssst whose the chick in the pic? ... as for 1349 .. i will probably give them a chance but get their most recent album since that one seems to get better reviews over their debut...