
welcome welcome
we are all very shy and afraid of being smitten by harsh words so we all don't dare to leave our shelters and speak to you...
normally it's totally overcrowded in here, forget opeth, but as i said, see, and i was well, asked to greet you nonetheless. :loco:
greetings (a pun! a play on words!!!)
The morgiah I remember was in a fan pic gallery near my cat. My time on the list goes back to oooh maybe the Infinity days at the most recent. Just not my scene after a few years.
Heh well then... next time I'm down your way, let's get together with Lilitu and... party ;)
Of course she plays nerdy online games. She knows SUNIL for frig's sake. That guy is one contagious little dork. ;) Sorry Sunny slagging is an old habit that dies hard. About all I remember about the guy is mutual mockery sessions.
Anywho, if you run across him... tell the dear old boy to break out a futon for Unicron from the SYL list way way back.
I love Sunil so much. I just can't even express it.

I just talked to him in email the other day. He's doing really well in life it seems!!

He's supposed to phone me soon so I will pass along your message. :)

I will never ever ever forget the Morgiah song he recorded for me. :lol:
Haha yeah Sunny taught me many things. Like ways to turn the name of Megadeth into something naughty just to annoy him.
Well, I can't record seeing as my keyboardworth $2 in parts sort of lost 80% of its value but here's my Morgiah poem

"You were on a page with my cat
How about that?
that kitty is dead
The SYL logo on your shirt was red
I once used your pic saying it was me
I got hit on by some guy who was quite sleazy
Oh Morgiah Morgiah I say your name two ways
might I buy you beer and a bag of Lays?"
Originally posted by kleo706
Haha yeah Sunny taught me many things. Like ways to turn the name of Megadeth into something naughty just to annoy him.
Well, I can't record seeing as my keyboardworth $2 in parts sort of lost 80% of its value but here's my Morgiah poem

"You were on a page with my cat
How about that?
that kitty is dead
The SYL logo on your shirt was red
I once used your pic saying it was me
I got hit on by some guy who was quite sleazy
Oh Morgiah Morgiah I say your name two ways
might I buy you beer and a bag of Lays?"

Very nicely done. lol

Sorry bout your kittycat tho. :(
Originally posted by Morgiah of Infinite Cuteness

Very nicely done. lol

Oh with you as inspiration, how could I fail? Few muses are as generous as Morgiah. Now, IM me sometime. We'll compose erotic fiction about sunny ;)

Sorry bout your kittycat tho. :(

you may not have noticed based on the pics of Humphrey on the HDR pages but he was about 15.5 years old. Death sort of happens in cases like his.