heeeey Danny

All this talk of the awesome tour experience Danny and co. are havin....top it off with a lil sometin sometin over on the other side of the Atlantic! The appearance in the US at Milwaulkee was all too brief :erk: (but amazing :grin: )

With Opeth gettin 3 tours in the past couple years over in the US, I'm sure MFN can get ya at least one trip over here! AT LEAST FFS! And México too for sure! Can't wait for the new DVD to come out....but a 1st ever tour in the US this year, yeah that'd really be something! Anathema needs a proper tour here in the Americas!!!! Been 10 years that some of us been waitin! :yell:

Heck I've lurked these message boards for too long :erk:
Thanks Danny for an awesome album, for gettin the board back up, we all hope to see ya sometime out in the near future! :wave:
let's see some support here folks! :kickass:
Aw hell, I know there at least a handful of us livin here in the N. American continent, Mexico, S. America...and we all want to see Anathema do their 1st tour over here...

And I sure hope that Danny, Vin, Jay, John and Les will want to have one (at least one) good tour across the U.S./Canada/Mexico here.

More the question is MFN. Are they willin to front the money for the 1st PROPER Anathema tour out here???

:wave: Danny, any opinions? dougie? dunc? anyone? Bueller?

Wonderin if the time might be ripe to start e-mailing MFN or somethin...

Maybe i'm just still pissed that I can't make it out to see the Gathering and Agalloch on tour :erk: