Height of Pickups


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
Any of you guys have any pics of the height of your pickups? I just swapped the 85 into my bridge on my jackson but did not take note of how high the pickup should be. I do not hit the strings too hard so should the pickup be high?
EMG active pickups should be as close to the strings as you can have them without creating any buzzing or fowling on the strings. They don't work the same as passive pickups, they need to be close to the strings in order to work correctly.
When I adjust the pickup height for my EMG81 (bridge) I don't try to raise it too much because it sounds very harsh to my ears If I do so.
EMG says you should keep it as close to the strings as possible, however I'm doing it quite the opposite.
Depends on your amp and settings + the way you play.
I keep them quite far away from the strings nowadays = less distortion but fatter, fuller tone for me, I have the 85 in the bridge and the 81 as the neck pub.
Basically....erm...use your ears ;)