
I think Burn My Eyes is one of the greatest metal albums,but they've let me down since then. They had a lot of promise,but tried to go a little mainstream with the last few albums. I hope they come back strong.
Hey I lived in London for about 12 months just up the road from the Brixton Academy and went to the 8/12/01 show there which was recorded for the album. Just picked it up today and cant wait to hear it - if the show was anything to go by then the record will slam!!!
The album is absolutely class!

It's just a shame they haven't put the whole gig on the CD, a couple of tracks where recorded in Germany and they have lefy out the cover of Number of the Beast completely!

Mind you they made up for it when they played at the Garage, Highbury last year as "Ten Ton Hammer"!

I love MH! I think their amazing, I agree, their last efforts were not too great compared to B.M.E, but B.M.E was a fantastic album. I would love to seem them again. hey guys, you can get their album at
www.cd-wow.com for only 8.99GBP!! thats where im getting it from. LET FREEDOM RING WITH A SHOTGUN BLAST!
I love 'Burn My Eyes' and 'The Burning Red' is a great album,really intense and lots of violent riffs. However 'Supercharger' was really shit as I felt that the songs were rushed and it sounded way too commercial for my liking. I got the impression that they just done a load of viagra in the studio and went stir crazy. However they have been well renouned for being an excellent live act and lets hope this live album is a true reflection of that.
Superhero said:
I love 'Burn My Eyes' and 'The Burning Red' is a great album,really intense and lots of violent riffs. However 'Supercharger' was really shit as I felt that the songs were rushed and it sounded way too commercial for my liking. I got the impression that they just done a load of viagra in the studio and went stir crazy. However they have been well renouned for being an excellent live act and lets hope this live album is a true reflection of that.

They are great live and the album is a true reflection !:Smokin:
I think everyone needs to relisten to Supercharger with an open mind and a lot of time since you first heard it and quickly dismissed it. The album is hard as hell. Chunky riffs and great songs. The album stands along side of all prior MH efforts as great.
The only song I like off 'Supercharger' is 'Bulldozer' because its got a wicked build up to it. If it had been done by a new band that no one has heard of then that would be cool but it fails to meet Machine Head's standards. The rest of the songs just sound like a bad Limp Bizkit record...wait a minute since when has Lmp Bizkit ever made a good record?
I have to agree with Cincy. I really didn't like Supercharger to begin with, but gave it another listen abotu 6 months later and really got into it.
A bad Limp Bizkit record? Well Superhero, i'd really like to know what band you were listening to, cause it certainly wasn't Machine Head. There's nothing even remotely comparitable.
As to the idea of selling out, i find that a bit comical as they didn't exactly break the mainstream with Supercharger, nor did they make a lot of money off it.
They advanced, changed and evolved their music, something that if more muscians endevoured to do, would lead to a fuller and entirely more expansive music scean.
I was referring to the fact that 'Supercharger' reminded me very much of the first Limp Bizkit album, it sounded raw but felt as if the album wasn't mixed properly. Also Rob Flynn's vocals went into a high pitch at some points. When I meant commercial I meant that it sounded commercial as it sounded to poppy, not that they were trying to sell out. In fact I think 'Supercharger' was their worst selling album. Listen to 'Burn My Eyes' and 'Supercharger' and compare the heaviness and you shall see what I mean. However as someone said earlier, I think its best to keep open minded and if you like 'Supercharger' then thats cool, just merely delivering my humble opinion lol.
Hey, it's cool. I am a HUGE Machine Head fan and hence a touch defensive of them at times, but i do highly recommend going back and taking another listen. I can't really see the similaritys between that and the first Bizkit album at all (not really a fan at all although there were a few tracks on sig other).
And as to your comment about Burn My Eyes, it probably ranks alongside Lateralus, Load, Master Of Puppets and Ten as one of my favorite albums of all time.
Hey there's nothing wrong with being defensive, I mean if someone dissed the Foo Fighters then they would get the shit kicked out of them!!! Actually they wouldn't....that's what I like to do them,hehe. There are 2 other songs that I like on that album: Deafening Silence and White Knuckle Blackout.
The Burning Red is a great album... but I was pretty disappointed with Supercharger. Maybe I gotta give it a chance and a few more listens.