Hellboy fans... in here :)

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....

I met Ron Perlman, who plays Hellboy in the film (one of my all-time faves :worship: :worship: :worship:) , and the great Guillermo Del Toro :worship: :worship: :worship:, who directed the film...
They were SOOOO nice. Ron asked me to come around for the picture and Guillermo started talking to me in Spanish because of my t-shirt... I had a GREAT TIME. Got my copy of the DVD and one of my Hellboy books signed by everyone there (Doug Jones, plays Abe Sapien, and all the makeup effects and visual effects people were there)...

OK... enough about me... how was your weekend?
Keyser Soze said:

I met Ron Perlman, who plays Hellboy in the film (one of my all-time faves :worship: :worship: :worship:) , and the great Guillermo Del Toro :worship: :worship: :worship:, who directed the film...
They were SOOOO nice. Ron asked me to come around for the picture and Guillermo started talking to me in Spanish because of my t-shirt... I had a GREAT TIME. Got my copy of the DVD and one of my Hellboy books signed by everyone there (Doug Jones, plays Abe Sapien, and all the makeup effects and visual effects people were there)...

OK... enough about me... how was your weekend?
Not too much excitement here, just in the woodshed for our last day of tracking vocals on Mon. !! (I'm such a geek, it's what I consider a good time!):tickled:
Cool pic~I thought you missed this con! Whadja do, play hooky from work? ;)
this was at Golden Apple Comics down Melrose in LA, today, my day off... I did miss the San Diego Comic Con :( I wanted to go this year, since I never have ...

A bit more coherent account of my day:

I went to Golden Apple Comics down Melrose today. They were celebrating the release of Hellboy on DVD (a great DVD by the way, LOADED with extras). Ron Perlman (City of Lost Children, Blade 2), who plays Hellboy, Doug Jones (Buffy), who plays Abe Sapien, Guillermo Del Toro (Blade 2, Cronos, Devil's Backbone, Mimic), who directed the film and wrote the screenplay, were all there. The place was packed, which made me really happy, because it was a good movie made by people who obviously gave a damn about the material.
I went with one of my closest friends. He's a comic book geek, and he's studying to work on special effects. It was great to have the one person with whom I can "talk movies," there with me, since I couldn't take my sister (her work schedule conflicted with this).
Anyway, my turn came up on the line and the first person was Mike Elisande (sp??) one of the production designers of the film. A very nice guy, thoroughly knowledgeable and obviously grateful for the fan turnout. Next up was Doug Jones, the actor playing fishman Abe Sapien. This man is SKINNY!!! He was so funny and warm. I have another picture with him which I will post later. I told him that I couldn't wait for the next film and he said "me neither, girlfriend," and we hi-fived. Next was another production designer, whose name escapes me (sorry!!!), but he was supercool and he signed my dvd.
I have been a fan of Ron Perlman since the Beauty and the Beast tv show. I was sooo nervous to meet him. I mean, the last time I tried to meet Bruce Campbell and all I could manage was a weak "hello." Anyway, Ron Perlman has a voice that demands attention, but he pays all his attention to you when you're speaking with him. This is a bit refreshing to me in this sort of situation. Other celebrities I have come into contact with have not been that way. He seemed genuinely grateful the fans were out there and appreciated the work. I asked him to take the picture above and right as I said that, Guillermo Del Toro saw my Argentina shirt and started talking to me in Spanish. Ron was just staring at us. Guillermo was speaking Spanish with an Argentinian accent (those of you who have heard it, you know it is rather... peculiar). In a short break on the conversation I had with Guillermo about his upcoming projects (both to be shot in Argentina) and the great Argentinian food (which is what every tourist says), Ron Perlman asked me if I wanted to come around their table for the picture. I thought, you're kidding, right??? HELL YES! So, I went around the table and got between Guillermo and Ron. The reason I have such a weird look on my face, Guillermo had just screamed "Viva el Churrasco!" Churrasco is the Argentine steak.
I came out after the picture and shook Del Toro's hand. He had a great huge smile on his face and said to me: "sos un encanto, un placer conocerte" (You're enchanting, it's a pleasure to have met you)... THAT MADE MY DAY... My favorite actor (after Bruce Campbell) and my favorite director (after Sam Raimi) on the same day... happy Jackie
WOOOHOO ! Sounds like you had a total blast. Lucky you :) DVD has lots of cool extras, tho I haven't found the outtakes yet?

The *ONLY* gripe I have about the Hell Boy DVD: yet once again the producers and movie company are playing games with us. An extended edition will be released in about 2-3 months down the road. My advice. Hold off on this DVD, and buy it used from a movie-shop, and buy the extended edition new :)

Del Toro said it best: the extended edition is for the Hellboy fan, while the special editon currently released is for the fan of the film unfamiliar with the Hellboy universe...
I wished Mike Mignola had been there... :( oh well
Del Toro said the second movie is going to have Johann instead of Roger, and no Myers
Apparently, the outtakes and quite a few of the fans' wishlist (on the Hellboy movie forum) will be on there...
Looks like you had a great time! I finally saw Hellboy this weekend, and really enjoyed it (watched it twice). Hellboy himself is a great combo of being a badass and a smartass. Ron did a great job with him! :rock: All the acting was pretty good actually, as was the writing. I am glad that people are starting to take the comic-to-movie transistion seriously, and keeping the "cheesy" factor to a minimum.