Hellfest summer open air 2007 (Clisson France)


May 30, 2005
Fougères France


here is the programm of the Hellfest summer open air 2007. (22th, 23rd, 24th June)
Last year, OL performed over there, it was very great (it was my first OL show)

My association (Urigreen) will be there to in order to sensitize festival-goers to the environment.

holy shit...the first two days lineup is fucking åsome
i'd love to go and mosh with the frenchies and meet Olivier after i couldn't last time when he was in israel
I wish I could...I could use the break
holy shit...the first two days lineup is fucking åsome
i'd love to go and mosh with the frenchies and meet Olivier after i couldn't last time when he was in israel
I wish I could...I could use the break

you were sick :ill: but I'll be back in Israel my friend, it's a matter of time !!!
You're welcome in France mon ami!!!

@Vulcano :headbang:

@ PinkThrone: I understand anything sorry ! :)
I remembered Mabool during the whole fest, and also the old bluesman Muddy Water.
Finally couldn't meet Ollivier (what a pity), but worst was the organization, I've never seen in all my fest experiences that I cant take a beer and the security ejecting people while the last band still playing, I cant believe it.
And the first day... hundreds of people trying to find fest gate under a raging rain, and no one knew about it.
But finally I enjoyed a lot the bands and meeting nice people from all around France.
I was under the red tent ( Kronembourg) not far from the camping entrance!

i want to add that the Hellfest has 0.1% of subventions (60% for some german festival)

i had some great time cause we walked near the artists Moonspell, Kreator, Wt, Epica, Dark Tranquility etc....it's fun to work for the environnment sometimes!!!
Seem that you enjoyed it a lot!!
I know where you were, I looked for you there 2 times, but there wasn't nobody, I've sent you a private message trying to explain why I couldnt find you.
Do you walked near Simone Simmons?:devil:
sure!!!!! it was really funny there was a signing session and it was very crowded a friend a mine went to speak to the guy of the security
"we're volunteers "
"there's nothing to do, it's a signing session"
"You know there is always something to do, cleaning the dust ..."

and we entered ...