HELLo all....Tee Pyrus, Neal, Big N, LIZ.....ETC


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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been a long time hey. STill breathing. DOnt smoke anymore, dont drink soda pop anymore....lots of changes in my life...not a lot of net time anymore, as im sure most of you would be guessing....so, friends, tell me how youve been, and whats been going on....
FUCKIN A, MAN! We were just talking about you like a week ago.

I'm at college now in Southern California. Writing, drinking, writing and drinking, being financially irresponsible, and praying for rain...good times indeed.

As Cara said, good to hear from you. Glad to know you're still alive. ;)
i have a lipoma, a growth, in my thigh. its apparently invading a mucsle's space and causing shitty things to happen in my leg. i just went today to see a surgeon and i have to have an MRI done. its been bothering me for 9 months now. bleh.
I had a lumop removed from my right wrist several yrs ago.

I found recently that i have a couple lumps on my windpipe. Went to teh U of KY hospital to see the ENT specialist, he said n0t to worry about it right now.....

good luck texas
yeah i was kinda worried about cancer but they said that since it appears it hasn't grown since the last time i saw the doctor that i shouldn't worry about that.
the ENT told me that my *lumps* were too mobile to be cancer..still scary though.

your welcome......

oh yeah, im now divorced BTW....Tee, rebirth, and ZANEX already know...no one else but you....untill every one else reads this.
maharet>>>didnt you read that i found i had emphazema? hahahah...I could stop now, or in 10 yrs when im 41 yrs old, be on oxygen, and be dead by the time im 50...or stop...i stoped 51 days ago. Yuo can do it though. You need to to stop smoking. no lecture from me though...
thrash>>if you mean the divorce..yes, its good. lonely, but good. SHe was not the person i thought she was for all those 14 yrs....im now a hunter...on the hunt...if you know what i mean hahahaha.

SHe robbed me blind. Ive had to start over on my money.....if you remember, i really work my ass off..long hours, trying to get ready for a comfortable old age...
damn, LEON! FIND some damn net time. we miss you over here. the board's a fucking mess! good to see you're still alive and on the path to better health... smoking isn't good if you do alot of outside work!!

i've been... ok. sick for the past week... Friday night, to be exact. on Tuesday, I celebrated my one-year anniversary with my girlfriend, Christina. great stuff! can't believe it lasted this long! she must be crazy! seriously! and yep, she's right behind me reading this... HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR yep! :lol:

my band recorded an EP over the summer... pro artwork, pro manufacturing, pro recording... all to be released in late-November. perhaps we can play somewhere in Kentucky ;)