The shows we all regret....


May 1, 2004
Swamps of despair
well... i figure this sounds like an interesting idea for a thread... seeing as how i just got back from a show i regret... you know you have all been to em before...

the power of the female actualy convinced me today to go see "Crossbreed"
god damn... did it suck more than going to the mall or what... well actualy it was like the mall went to the house of blues.
-lots of hot young chicks (maybe even too young...)
-made out with 4 different chicks...
-they were all hot...
-watched one of my hot chick friends make out with one of my other hot chick friends...
-then she made out with me...
-got pretty drunk
-the music.... oh my god the music... music??? i mean... the theme songs to all the worst tv shows you can think of... dubbed over in mall metal.
-every opening act covered "Send me an angel" (i forget who originaly did it)
-the stupid stupid stupid mallcore kids everywhere. i saw 250 pairs of the same hot topic pants. and 500 pairs of the same hot topic boots.
-for the first time EVER!!!!! 2 gay british dudes were trying to pick me up. which brings me to ask a question to whoever is british. the noise was loud but i believe these two fags were asking me to go to a "Finch?" or if i wanted one. what the fuck is a "Finch"? or whatever the term is. anyway... i had this one chick pose as my girlfriend and she told those fags "Stop trying to fuck my man you pussy faggots!!!". never let a dude compliment your beard...
-Crossbreed: lets see.... for the first 5 minutes i thought it was almost good. stage pressence... energy... hyped crowd... sound samples very reminisant of early fear factory. then i realize.... 2 keyboardist's!!! realy... not only were there 3 keyboards and 2 people playing them... they both spent more time picking up the keyboards and dancing with them than they actualy played them. they both hardly played and when they did it was only one hand. and it was retarded simple to play. which leaves me to believe that they could easily replace the two people with one half assed guy who can actualy use both hands.
--not to mention the extremely simple nickleback styled guitar playing.
--the extremely basic drumming
--the over done slipknot make up
--the singer constantly telling the crowd what to do. i hate that shit. if your music is good the crowd will natuarly do what you want them to!!!! fucking A!!! fucking every fucking hardcore band is like.. "I WANNA SEE A CIRCLE PIT UP IN THIS BITCH!!! THE WHOLE FUCKING FLOOR BLAH BLAH BLAH" and realy... you dont need to say that before during and after EVERY fucking song.
--the bouncing... oh my god the bouncing... pogo pogo pogo. look at me im a bunny!!!
--the people that told me dragonforce sucks... but they are there to see crossbreed... how can they tell me dragonforce sucks??? and wtf? im wearing a motorhead shirt and they tell me dragonforce sucks???? wtf???
--hardcore slam dancing....
--everyone was between 14 and 17
--those 2 gay dudes needs to be 2 cons because there was two of them...
--maybe 3 cons...
--i spilled my jack and coke!!!!
--had to buy another one!!!!
--spent money to see this show...
--some fat chick was hitting on me... but i take it as a compliment... i guess..
but, its more of a con...
--i spilled my water!!!!
--i got head butted in the face... made me spill my jack and coke as mentioned earlier...
--my face hurts....

thats about it...
new fun thread for everyone...
whats your horrible experience???

@@@TOMASZ- hootie and the blowfish is coming to orlando in a few weeks!!! you might want to look into that. :)
Cradle of filth, OMFG?!?!?! yes.. cradle of filth.. YES thats the cradle of filth with danny filth the .. nvm, uno what i mean. well.. the moshpit was juist rediculous... wait, scrap that, i cant call it a moshpit.. sissypit is the right word... even suport act moonspell was better.. AND THE FRIGGIN VOICE OF THAT LADY THATS *SINGS* 3 WORDS PER SONG!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! baaaaad memories..
btw, nice idea for a topic haha..
DemonsAndLies666 said:
@@@TOMASZ- hootie and the blowfish is coming to orlando in a few weeks!!! you might want to look into that. :)

old news, I had my tampa show tickets lined up for weeks now

in all seriousness, who's going to Portland in October to see Agalloch open up for Katatonia?, or can someone hook me up with a place to stay there a couple of nigths?
I regret stepping into the Headbanger's Ballroom when Lake Of Tears was playing there.

By Oden's beard those guys suck.
That's why last night, you should have driven to Tampa and see Monstrosity, reformed Diabolic and Dark Faith. Shithole Brass Mug was packed with a lot of people and of course all the odd people that go along to every metal shows.
What makes the brass mug unique ... since they remove the stinkass grease kitchen ... is the little tiny AC unit and the great feeling of having lung cancer when you go home.

Not many mall kids but most local bands were there. Even all the guys of Krisiun were there.
fucking christ... i didnt even know diabolic reformed... thats the best news i herd since blind guardian coming in december.. or even better than dissection releasing a new album... shit... someone needs to tell me this shit. plus monstrosity played??? fucking christ shit boogers! well... i dont know what to say.