why is it that....


Demons And Lies
Feb 15, 2003
Orlando Florida
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everyone thinks when they see me "that guys a satanic guy" or "he wroships satan" and blah blah blah... they take one look at my shirt and assume the wrong thing... i wear a nile shirt or obituary shirt or something that doesnt have anything to do with satan on it and they start think shit about me or sometimes just telling me im a satanist whatever... but then i wear and iron maiden shirt that says right on it "Best Of The Beast" or a manowar shirt with satan on it... stuff that actualy deals with satan, and everyones like "Thats an awsome shirt man" or "Iron maidens bad ass dude" or "fucking metal rules!!" or somethin.... its like... what the fuck???!!!

just a thought....
My fav shirt probably is "Jesus is coming ...... look busy". That's a good misconception about metal in general, if for some reason you listen to something underground you are labelled satanist. I would rather be labelled evil than satanist though. I would be surprised to see how many real satanist actually listen to metal. The stance about death/black metal is more of a fist being thrown at society, at pointing what's wrong with it, religion, governement,.... so what better tool than a shirt to bring forth yr message? The gangsta rap fashion is the same, so is the whole poser/surfer fashion. While joe didlo living next door has the big jesus fish on his car and the gold cross chain people won't look at him the same because the majority of people accept it, it s on tv in music videos,...
What I found real funny this wknd, I was glancing at the CTN (Christian TV Network, for those who don't know) and late night saturdays they have the "rock-nu-metal" mag. They had bands singing about god and love, and half the fans are doing the sign of the horns/metal sign, so how fucking stupid are they?
To sum it up, it has always been and will always be about trend,...
yeah iron maiden and manowar might not be the same. Ask your parents they prob listened to priest, maiden, ozzy, sabbath,... and these bands were considered "evil" back then. Now your music sounds evil to most people, including yr parents. Times are changing while mentalities are not. Just me 2 cents.
I get looks everytime I step out of the door, and well sadly it's not really something I care about anymore because it's just the way things are. Denmark is a typical small country with sad narrow minded people who see it as their divine call to battle anyone who steps out of the norm. Can you blame me for moving back to Sweden again?
The only way to get away from that is to keep wearing the shirts. Then you either get people asking what it is (your chance to educate them) or they get so desesitised that they just don't bother (that's what happened with the Maiden and Sabbath shirts - take it from the old lady who's worn them for a few deccades...I used to get looks, but I just don't anymore 'cause people are so used to seing them around).
Belgar said:
I would rather be labelled evil than satanist though.

Why is that? What do you see as the difference? Most people equate the pretty thoroughly even though that isn't the case.

I would be surprised to see how many real satanist actually listen to metal.

From what I've seen on a Church of Satan messageboard, musical tastes among Satanists are as diverse as anything. There's a plenty of metalheads, but there's also plenty of people who enjoy lounge and blues. Also, the CoS online radio station, radiofreesatan.com, has the following types of shows: old radio theater, comeday, lounge/swing, rock/punk/metal, black metal, 70's and 80's heavy metal, a techno/industrial show and a news/talk show. (www.radiofreesatan.com for anyone who wants to check it out)
Apparently the Danish leader of the Church of Satan solely listens to classical music, and of course a lot of other Satanists are non-metalheads too...it all depends on the people. Hey I'd be interested to see what kind of people that are a member of the CoS, I read once that it's anything from school teachers to cleaners so it would be interesting to see.

btw, what kind of music is "lounge"?
Brainkisser, that was my point, people often get misjudged by the way they look or the path they chose to embrace. So, by saying that because you wear "x" shirt makes you fall in the satanic category is not true. Just like people who are members of the COS are no different than the regular guy going to his local church. I mean they have jobs, families, friends,... but are categorized by people because people do not understand them.

As far as saying that I would rather be labbelled evil than satanist is because I am not affiliated with the satanist movement. If I wear a shirt like a dark funeral "black hordes of satan" or it could be a cannibal shirt "tomb of the mutilated", they are not meant to portray happiness, peace&love,... Black & death metal in general isn't about how nice people are, how wonderful the gov. is, ... that is what I meant by "evil". I guess you could say, evil as in shocking. Not that I would wear a shirt to shock people, but regardless you will always get a look from people. All that put aside, I am a happy person with a good job, good friends, a good life,... :D I hope you got my idea.
Patric said:
Hey I'd be interested to see what kind of people that are a member of the CoS, I read once that it's anything from school teachers to cleaners so it would be interesting to see.

btw, what kind of music is "lounge"?

Of the ones I know of, there's plenty of students, some are publishers, one or two work for the government/department of corrections, one is a decorator/seamstress, one I know if extremely well of though I don't know what he does. So basically, we are indeed in all fields. Personally I worked as a garbageman/janitor/busboy at a concert arena last summer.

Lounge: I'm not really sure myself, but I figure it as soft jazz or something along those lines. Something you'd hear in a cocktail lounge. Maybe also singer like Frank Sinatra.

Belgar said:
I hope you got my idea.

Yeah, I'm clear on it now. The whole evil/shocking/scary thing as opposed to evil/baby-eating/mutilation thing. And I totally agree with the rest of what you said. Manipulating how people percieve you, such as by what you wear, can be a powerful tool.
I am currently working in the most conservative large company there is in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.
This city is the second one in my country when looking at the "percentage" of fanatically christian ppl of the population...

I did have to cut off my 30 centimeter beard to get the job, but I won't stop dressing the way I want to. Sure I will conform to some dress codes the times I really represent the company, but that don't happen too often.
And the ppl seem to have already (after 3 months) have gotten used to the metal shirts and the rest. I guess once they get to know you and understand you're actually not into eating babies on the week ends, they understand you're a person even considering the way you dress and the music you listen to...
Ah, I'm sorry you work in such a conservative places...I've had the shittiest of jobs where I argued with almost all of my bitch colleges so I should know. Oh and that's Bitch as in the male form. btw, where's Örnsköldsvik, Norrland?
Who cares what other people think really? I mean, for me that's what death metal is partly about-going against the grain and being who I want to be!
The one thing I have reflected on is that a lot of bm-ppl seems to be shy silent, maybe that's their idea of being evil..?
I personally wear my shirts with pride and hold my head up high, and I don't give a freakin' shit about what ppl think of me!
I suggest you all do the same!

btw, first post!