AxeOfDarkness said:
well its generaly not the old ladys and shit who mention anything... it normaly happens when im in a line waiting to purchase something and some middle age lady (in one case some middle age dude) comes behind me and opens there mouth and has to start some kind of religous argument or make some kind of rude comment... the old grannys when they see something generaly just say "oh dear!" in that old lady voice... but they never try coming up to me and asking me shit or saying anything to piss me off...
am i the only one this happens to or do you guys get this too? cause it happens to me all the time!
i am 6' 3", 230 lbs of raw METAL.
here's the pic of the most powerful star trek fan in the world.
i rarely have trouble when i am in the streets, but of course, i did say rarely. once, i was in a wal mart (of all places) and i was in line when some old lady almost hit me with her shopping cart when i bent down to organize a poker table in my shopping cart full of goodies, and of course i told her "you almost hit me" (and i didn't even yell at her, just said it in a neutral toned voice), and of course, she said she didn't see me (with the attitude of her inferior status being portrayed at its finest), but with the luck of the irish on my side, the store manager was there who saw everything, and he told me to follow him, and i said no and why should i? his response was that he didn't liked the way i treated the elderly lady, and i told him that i didn't say anything negative to her let alone that he saw everything, and thus, he grabbed my arm, i pulled my arm away and shoved him straight to the floor, and told him i was never going to shop there again, and just walked away. this happened around 2:00 pm, which is too damn early for me to visit a wal mart, and as far as what i was wearing, i was wearing the arch enemy wages of sin tour 2002, a heavily spiked bracelet, 2 rings (one skull the other coffin), and a huge baphomet pendant. anyhows, when i got home, i ended calling up the district manager, thanx to a friend of mines who happens to work at a different wal mart (yes, we have 4 of them where i live), and about a week later, i got a call back indicating that the man was fired for assaulting me and they gave me a $50 shopping card.
i'll tell you this much, it goes to show how looking a certain way pisses people off, which i myself am a victim of (the jews in other words).