why is it that....

Patric said:
Ah, I'm sorry you work in such a conservative places...I've had the shittiest of jobs where I argued with almost all of my bitch colleges so I should know. Oh and that's Bitch as in the male form. btw, where's Örnsköldsvik, Norrland?

Yup, Ö-vik is in norrland.

Between Sundsvall and Umeå, straight in from Östersund, but at the east coast.

About the middle of Sweden lenght-wise.
Anyone who meets all 101 rules needs to have their head examined, stat.

Bascially, the majority of Americans have been conditioned to think "Satan!" when they see stuff that looks evil/menacing. Probably cause of our country's Puritan heritage. And people fear what they do not know...they know Maiden & Priest, so that's considered almost "cute;" they don't know Nile and Obituary, so they think "EVIL!" Personally, I prefer it that way. Maybe it'll get them asking questions. Nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction from converting an unbeliever to metal.
Act like heathen bezerkers, don't you know about the scandinavian folklore world? Trolls are well known, they are the "evil" version of dwarves. They stay in caves, drink. They could be a subrace of giants, often portrayed as stupid with one eye, living in woods. They abhor the sounds of churchbells and they have a predilection for eating human flesh. Their homeland was the dark, ice-covered land of Trollebotn, the huge frozen bay which was assumed to connect Greenland to north of Scandinavia.
yeah trolls are/where a really nasty piece of work, if you wheren't careful you could get "bergatagen" taken by the mountain in english, i'm note sure what was supposed to happen once you had been taken but i guess it wasn't very nice since all who believed in it dreaded it a lot. according to the folklore trolls also sometimes snuck into the cottages and stole infants and replaced them with troll children :)

i find old folklore very interesting, it's really fun to read about all the stuff people of the past believed in.
spaffe said:
yeah trolls are/where a really nasty piece of work, if you wheren't careful you could get "bergatagen" taken by the mountain in english, i'm note sure what was supposed to happen once you had been taken but i guess it wasn't very nice since all who believed in it dreaded it a lot. according to the folklore trolls also sometimes snuck into the cottages and stole infants and replaced them with troll children :)

i find old folklore very interesting, it's really fun to read about all the stuff people of the past believed in.

Yeah i've got a thing for folklore too, always had. The trolls weren't the ones that "bergtog" you, though. That was the "underjordiska", the gnomes that lived under the cliffs, stones. They were usually nice folks though, and could helped you with farm work etc. But if you fucked them over they could pay back big time...
AxeOfDarkness said:
everyone thinks when they see me "that guys a satanic guy" or "he wroships satan" and blah blah blah... they take one look at my shirt and assume the wrong thing... i wear a nile shirt or obituary shirt or something that doesnt have anything to do with satan on it and they start think shit about me or sometimes just telling me im a satanist whatever... but then i wear and iron maiden shirt that says right on it "Best Of The Beast" or a manowar shirt with satan on it... stuff that actualy deals with satan, and everyones like "Thats an awsome shirt man" or "Iron maidens bad ass dude" or "fucking metal rules!!" or somethin.... its like... what the fuck???!!!

just a thought....

classic case of the society being "one with the collective". personally, as long as they don't touch you, your good. besides, their mind is vast inferior to yours, meaning that your life has more value than theirs. as far as the maiden/sabbath/manowar shirts, thats pretty much due to the fact that they have a bigger following than the death metal bands.
well.. there is a lot of people that just don't know what the fuck they say... just because you have a t-shirt like that or 'cause you listen to metal they associate that to satanism... for some people, metal music and everything that is related to that is all about Satan, but that's very wrong... (of course there are some of them that really are, but i'm not talking about those)... and listening to metal, just doesn't make you a satanic, even if you listen to something that is satanic itself, it doesn't really mean you are or that you believe that. ..but there is a lot of people that just can't understand that... well.. fuck them.. i don't care...
ah yes.. but there are people out there who dont even know what death metal is and they judge me as satanic because.... i dont know i guess cause my metal shirts are black or soemthing.... i wore a sfu shirt (though i positively hate them now, just the only clean metal shirt i had) out today and it has a skull on it... ok so theres a skull on it and a lady asked me if i worship satan cause theres a skull on my shirt... what the fuck??? its a skull! WHOOPDY FUCKING DOO!!! what the hell... if a girl has dolls does that mean shes practicing voodoo??? what the fuck... but every god damn time i wear my maiden shirts that basicly say satan all over them people are like "hell fucking yeah!! IRON MAIDEN!! WOOO!!!!" and soo on... i cannot fucking figure it out...
(not that it bothers me that they think this or anything, who gives a fuck let them think what they want... just why they hell do they treat something so differently that they dont even know what it realy is...)
For some reasons, it seems that I will get more looks here in the US than in Europe, some countries in Europe seem more tolerant and many are way less lame ass religious oriented. Here in the US, you cannot do anything w/o hearing somebody make a ref. to god or jebus, it goes from sport, to political people, schools, military, stickers on cars,... good thing there is supposed to be a so called separation of state and church. You will hardly hear if not never hear a sports team in europe thanking jebus for helping them win a game,.... All that makes me think that there are a hell lot of people who cannot think for themselves.
hehe, i often wear my "something wicked this way comes" iced earth shirt with the "monster" on it. everbody tells me that i am satan(they mean it in a funny way, still it sucks). another day, i wore my new amon amarth shirt with only the flamed logo on it and everybody said "hey, looks cool!" altough they are mainstreamers. another clear aspect that prejudices control this world...
AxeOfDarkness said:
it has a skull on it... ok so theres a skull on it and a lady asked me if i worship satan cause theres a skull on my shirt... what the fuck??? its a skull! WHOOPDY FUCKING DOO!!! what the hell... if a girl has dolls does that mean shes practicing voodoo??? what the fuck... but every god damn time i wear my maiden shirts that basicly say satan all over them people are like "hell fucking yeah!! IRON MAIDEN!! WOOO!!!!" and soo on... i cannot fucking figure it out...

You tell granny "yes I do worhip YOU and your cat will be my next sacrifise". That should do it.

So you're telling me old farts don't mind Iron Maiden, strange? I think you analyze it too much and take it too seriously. Why give a flying fuck what somebody else thinks. They better watch their own dumb asses.
well its generaly not the old ladys and shit who mention anything... it normaly happens when im in a line waiting to purchase something and some middle age lady (in one case some middle age dude) comes behind me and opens there mouth and has to start some kind of religous argument or make some kind of rude comment... the old grannys when they see something generaly just say "oh dear!" in that old lady voice... but they never try coming up to me and asking me shit or saying anything to piss me off...
am i the only one this happens to or do you guys get this too? cause it happens to me all the time!