Hello and that


Sharkbait ouh hah hah !
Dec 2, 2003
Visit site
Finally,....after some blood sweat and tears, I was able to register :hotjump:
I'm new here, so ....Hi everybody and til soon.

Strangelight said:
Ive a feeling it's the pizza king...

yep Dunc, I am the pizza King :Spin:
Or should I say the KFC guy ?

Thanks all for the warm welcome, I was already quite familiar with the board.
It was only sort of a struggle to sign me in , as some other Forum member was using the PC 23 hours a day like.
Strangelight said:
Ive a feeling it's the pizza king...
Marry me!!!!! :D
Descendres said:
Hello everybody, I'm new on this forum two ! Is there an official anathema pacifier ?
Well...there are a few dummies here I guess. Sorry only joking; if things get too bad one of the Anathema guys step in.....