hello! bonjour from France

Bonjour et bienvenue a UM! :wave:

Ma francais est muy mal, donc je parle en anglais (if that makes sense in French).

Enjoy the forums! :)
Originally posted by rustymetal
Bonjour et bienvenue a UM! :wave:

Ma francais est muy mal, donc je parle en anglais (if that makes sense in French).

Enjoy the forums! :)
:lol: I just realised I mixed French with Spanish. Let's try that again:

Ma francais est TRES mal.

Sacre bleu!
hello everybody! i'm a new opeth fan from alsace(france)and as well i'm new here so i'd like you to help me in my first steps,if you want to,i'd be glad.i'd like to discuss with several other opeth fans from the whole world and also other metal brothers and sisters,cause aren't we a familly?so i hope to get quickly some great news from you.see ya soon.stay dark!!!
salut à toi manu666! tu vois t'es pas tout seul, y'a déjà 3 frenchi ici, alorsj'espère qu'on va bien discuter est échanger tous ensembles. a+!

hey! Apoplexy cool ton avatare.
au faite j'ai bien eu tes messages, mais j'ai pas pu te joindre de suite, j'étais ocupé.
à quand une convers sur msn?
Welcome to UM!

Don't worry about your English..I've noticed that people who don't speak English as their first language usually tend to try to speak it more carefully than many people who do speak it as their first language (many Americans in particular..but then again, most English people would argue that the language spoken in the US is not the same English as is spoken in the UK :lol: ).
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
but then again, most English people would argue that the language spoken in the US is not the same English as is spoken in the UK :lol:
That's because it isn't... ;)
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Welcome to UM!

Don't worry about your English..I've noticed that people who don't speak English as their first language usually tend to try to speak it more carefully than many people who do speak it as their first language (many Americans in particular..

but then again, most English people would argue that the language spoken in the US is not the same English as is spoken in the UK :lol: ).

Two fantastic points... how true... how true....
ok! je suis de retour sur ce superbe forum...
j'ai eu quelques problèmes familiaux, mais je suis de nouveau apte à reparler metal avec tous, la vie continue comme on dit.

Apoplexy mon ami, désolé pour ce silence radio.
a+! pour notre projet.