Hello From Helsinki


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
Hi, everyone! Petri and I are getting ready to go to the Nightwish show. It is 3:30 in the afternoon here. We have been having a blast!!! Interviewed John Two-Hawks yesterday and he was awesome. Even brought 3 different flutes to the interview and played them for us. He told us a special treat we will have at the show tonight, but I'm going to wait and tell you all later, just in case someone reads this who is going to the show.

After the interview we hung out with Jukka and some people from the Brazilian fan club. Great people. Then we had dinner and partied until the bar closed....don't ask when!!!

Gotta go, catch you all later!
Ann Marie
That is so awesome!

You know what? I feel terrible that OSA tried to push our promotion on your shoulders, asking you to do the impossible for us. It was way too much to ask.

I don't care if you got them to sign anything or even mentioned us. That is not important. The important thing is that you made it there safely and had a great time, and you got to hang with Petri again. This was YOUR trip, not a chance for OSA to push ourselves. As I said before, I feel so bad for even asking. Andrea and I were talking tonight, and I just kept saying how terrible I felt to ask you to try and help us, because it was selfish on OSA's part.

I don't want or demand anything, I just want us all to be friends and enjoy music together. Somewhere along the way I got greedy. I got pushy, annoying and obnoxious. That is just not right.

I am perfectly content with being just a fan site. I know Nightwish may never set foot on our shores again, but that does not matter to me. I just want you all as my friends so we can have more good times. That means more to me than anything.

You all rock like elk, and I am proud to know you! I want to be the good person you all know and tolerate, other than an obnoxious jerk.
This is what I posted on the NW forum. I'm too lazy to type fresh.

Fantastic show! They had so much energy and the effects were amazing with the pyros and then shooting out huge clouds of confetti at the end of GLS. You can also see in those photos the screens in the back where they showed all kinds of imagery. Sometimes nature, sometimes photos of the band. Really created atmosphere during the songs.

It would have been nice to have some songs from the first two albums and like ElDiablo said, three covers was a bit much. I thought Creek Mary's Blood was phenominal. The band had left the stage and everyone was chanting for them to return. Then an eery drum beat began to play and John Two-Hawks stalked out on stage and proceeded to play one of his own songs of his Heal cd. I don't have the name right now but after I transcribe the interview I'll post it. (You all really should go to his Web Page and check out more of his music. He's an awesome musician.) As he ended his own song, he blended right into CMB and the band came back on stage. His own music blended perfectly into the NW song.

He did a type of Indian dance and played 3 different types of flute. A little mike feedback in the beginning was a bummer but other than that it was a flawless and exciting performance. A perfect change of pace to the usual NW set. I was especially pleased to see how the crowd responded to him. They were really getting into it and clapping along. His voice was even more melodic and resonant live. He said in the interview that he and Tuomas were talking about working more together. I certainly hope so.

Ghost Love Score was another high point. I saw them do it in Toronto, but in a larger arena with all the visuals and "fatter" sound it was incredibly moving. On the screens in the background they were showing images of pages with the lyrics on them like an old tome.

Tarja did Sleeping Sun in the style on the cd and it was positively beautiful and sooo emotional. They were showing black and white still images of the band in the background and it felt a little like a memorial in a way. Made me a little choked up. It felt almost like a lament.

I think Tarja sang tremendously with that fuller opera voice than on the later cd's. If she was sick, I couldn't tell.

Though the set list was not that varied they threw in different little licks and keyboard solos and such as well as short breaks where they would pause ever so briefly and burst back into the music. It really added a lot of new flavor to the songs.

Only problem I noticed was during a keyboard solo in Over the Hills, Tuomas's keyboard seemed not to project every note. There were some gaps. Other than that a nearly flawless and exciting performance. I will never forget it!

Don't worry Snowy, it was ok that you asked for me to help with OSA. Unfortunately, it was so very chaotic before the show, when I talked to Ewo, he was majorly stressed and I just couldn't ask him anything. I was just lucky he was nice enough to give me a photo pass.

After our interview with John Two-Hawks in the lobby of the hotel, we met up with Jukka and the Brazilian fan club president and some members. Had fun chatting and having a few beers. Again, it was just not the time to bring up the OSA. Jukka was busy on the mobile phone trying to make reservations for a hotel next weekend to see Children of Bodom. Tuomas came and sat with us later but he had just woken up and was kind of out of it. I just spoke a little to him then gave him his space. John Two-Hawks joined us with his wife later and we really had fun talking about music and everything. He is a fascinating guy! Very spiritual with wonderful ideas about life. He said we should come visit him in Arkensas and I really hope someday I can.

Obviously, the photos will have to wait until I get home. Petri and I are sitting in an internet cafe in Helsinki right now. I'm posting as much as a can but I have to keep buying more time. Heading home tomorrow, but I hope to enjoy every last minute here in Finland. Will talk to you all again soon!
AMBR said:
This is what I posted on the NW forum. I'm too lazy to type fresh.

Fantastic show! They had so much energy and the effects were amazing with the pyros and then shooting out huge clouds of confetti at the end of GLS. You can also see in those photos the screens in the back where they showed all kinds of imagery. Sometimes nature, sometimes photos of the band. Really created atmosphere during the songs.

It would have been nice to have some songs from the first two albums and like ElDiablo said, three covers was a bit much. I thought Creek Mary's Blood was phenominal. The band had left the stage and everyone was chanting for them to return. Then an eery drum beat began to play and John Two-Hawks stalked out on stage and proceeded to play one of his own songs of his Heal cd. I don't have the name right now but after I transcribe the interview I'll post it. (You all really should go to his Web Page and check out more of his music. He's an awesome musician.) As he ended his own song, he blended right into CMB and the band came back on stage. His own music blended perfectly into the NW song.

He did a type of Indian dance and played 3 different types of flute. A little mike feedback in the beginning was a bummer but other than that it was a flawless and exciting performance. A perfect change of pace to the usual NW set. I was especially pleased to see how the crowd responded to him. They were really getting into it and clapping along. His voice was even more melodic and resonant live. He said in the interview that he and Tuomas were talking about working more together. I certainly hope so.

Ghost Love Score was another high point. I saw them do it in Toronto, but in a larger arena with all the visuals and "fatter" sound it was incredibly moving. On the screens in the background they were showing images of pages with the lyrics on them like an old tome.

Tarja did Sleeping Sun in the style on the cd and it was positively beautiful and sooo emotional. They were showing black and white still images of the band in the background and it felt a little like a memorial in a way. Made me a little choked up. It felt almost like a lament.

I think Tarja sang tremendously with that fuller opera voice than on the later cd's. If she was sick, I couldn't tell.

Though the set list was not that varied they threw in different little licks and keyboard solos and such as well as short breaks where they would pause ever so briefly and burst back into the music. It really added a lot of new flavor to the songs.

Only problem I noticed was during a keyboard solo in Over the Hills, Tuomas's keyboard seemed not to project every note. There were some gaps. Other than that a nearly flawless and exciting performance. I will never forget it!

Don't worry Snowy, it was ok that you asked for me to help with OSA. Unfortunately, it was so very chaotic before the show, when I talked to Ewo, he was majorly stressed and I just couldn't ask him anything. I was just lucky he was nice enough to give me a photo pass.

After our interview with John Two-Hawks in the lobby of the hotel, we met up with Jukka and the Brazilian fan club president and some members. Had fun chatting and having a few beers. Again, it was just not the time to bring up the OSA. Jukka was busy on the mobile phone trying to make reservations for a hotel next weekend to see Children of Bodom. Tuomas came and sat with us later but he had just woken up and was kind of out of it. I just spoke a little to him then gave him his space. John Two-Hawks joined us with his wife later and we really had fun talking about music and everything. He is a fascinating guy! Very spiritual with wonderful ideas about life. He said we should come visit him in Arkensas and I really hope someday I can.

Obviously, the photos will have to wait until I get home. Petri and I are sitting in an internet cafe in Helsinki right now. I'm posting as much as a can but I have to keep buying more time. Heading home tomorrow, but I hope to enjoy every last minute here in Finland. Will talk to you all again soon!

Ann, It's cool, totally. I am just happy you had a wonderful time! God bless you at least for thinking of us. One day, one day, maybe in a 1000 years, OSA's ship will come in.

Make sure you can at least give us a great account of what happened. Some great Nightwish news will be invaluable for OSA.

Love ya for trying,anyway! Get home safe!
Well, who knew a few hours after I typed that post Tarja would have been canned and the Nightwish world would be rocked back on its heels. Especially poignant to have been there for the end of Nightwish as we've known it. Though change is bittersweet, I truly cannot wait to see what Tuomas and the guys will come up with next. If they can just survive this nightmare of a media circus!! Good luck guys!
On October 20, TheEnigma and I had an opportunity to interview John Two-Hawks at his hotel the night before the show at the Hartwell Areena. He is an incredible interesting and spiritual person as well as an amazing musician.

I hope you will take the time to read his thoughts on Nightwish, Tuomas in particular, Finland, music and the life of the American Indians. He also demonstrated all three flutes he played recording and performing Creek Mary’s Blood and you can listen to them from the links in the interview.

Hopefully, the turbulence of the last few weeks has died down a bit and you are all ready for something more positiive and uplifting. Enjoy!!

John Two-Hawks Interview