Hello, I'm new here.


The Stillborn Child
Jan 8, 2006
And I've brought to you an AIM Expression I made! Enjoy!


(I hope it works and that maybe some of you still use the older AIM version.)
My favorite album is probably Swampsong, but my favorite song happens to be Swamphell, even though it isn't on the CD. Runner up would probably have to be Heroes To Us though.
Hello. I'm new to. I just discovered kalmah like... 5 song ago...! Right now im listening to punish my heaven. Good song. They're all good. No song are like... Bah.. This one is too slow. or etc... anyway! Fucking great band. Better melodies then the new fucking cob... Good. Hi all!
3z3k13l said:
Hello. I'm new to. I just discovered kalmah like... 5 song ago...! Right now im listening to punish my heaven.

i'm afraid you're listening to Dark Tranquillity, rather than Kalmah. There's no song called Punish My Heaven from Kalmah. But they're good too, hoho :p
It's nice to see so many new fans. It seems that the word about Kalmah has been spread quite a bit.

Do I smell a North American tour? hmm? :loco: