Hello new here. Already have a question!


New Metal Member
Jan 22, 2016
To any ENGL amp users, particularly that own Invaders, can you give me your opinion on a situation I have. I could buy a brand new ENGL Invader 100w or I have several similarly priced options for Used Invader 2's. I know Invader is what I want, just never got to play a 2. Are there any BIG reasons to buy the Invader 2 over the original? I won't be buying the Sound Wizard Module for the 2 or anything. Let me know, I'm looking to buy early next week. I just want to make sure if I go the New amp route I'm not missing out on anything. I will at least have peace of mind with new tubes and overall condition.

Also, I am Josh lol. Sorry if this isn't the appropriate place to post this queation. I am at work and am in a hurry typing lol.

Look forward to the forums and your answers.

Thanks a bunch!
