Hello out there!


United We Stand
Apr 16, 2001
West Palm Beach, FL
Hi Everybody!
I see some new faces here and some old friends. I havent posted in a while but I do still check in from time to time. I hope every one is well. I've been stupid busy with the band, and Life. I noticed that the IMG web site is down. Is there a place I can gat a hold of the tunes we did? I got a new computer and all of my file were lost. Most of the stuff we did was great and I'd hate to loose it. Any one wanna help me out, I'd really appriciate it. If anyone wants to check out what I've been up to have a look


I've gotta say I do miss this, maybe I can give you guys a track or two?
Hey Man!
Good to see you are still hanging around from time to time.
Shoot me an email at rabies@burn.com.
I had made CDs of all of our stuff, burned them, and sent them out to people...I can hook you up with the same. That'll be a lot quicker/easier than trying to download it all. :)
I'm actually out of town for the week in Seattle...but I'll check my email and send one out to you as soon as I can.

Please feel free to submit tracks for us anytime man! We sure miss your drum tracks! Anything you wanna do.
:muahaha: Wow......

The whole gang here nearly..... i guess its time i popped in and said gidday as well...!!!!

Good memories of our tracks...and a lot of fun too...

All those skills have paid off with various demos ive done with bands ive been in....

Hope everyone still pumping tha music...cause thats what its all about.....

Medsy and IC!
wow..MM comes in and posts..and look who else comes out of the woodwork!

Glad to see you guys still check in now and again..and are doing well!
The few of us left who check in on a regular basis were starting to get lonely!
rabies said:
Medsy and IC!
wow..MM comes in and posts..and look who else comes out of the woodwork!

Glad to see you guys still check in now and again..and are doing well!
The few of us left who check in on a regular basis were starting to get lonely!
I haven't been on these forums for years. I have my reasons.. nothing to do with you guys of course :)

I'll try to drop by more often and see how it's all going!
Excellent IC.

Once EC and myself get the website squared away, I'll try to update it with some of the later songs. To be blunt, not all that many were done after sightings of you started to decline...but there were at least a few.
Wow, seems that the old IMG staff is pretty much back at posting again. 8)

I hope were getting back on the tunes soon. 8)