Hello Sickos of Ultimate Metal


GoreGrinder For Life
Gore Drenched Greetings to you all!,

I found this by searching for Gore Grind Metal on google.com, and ran into this site, and decided what the hell, ill just see what this forum is like. Well, my name is Nate Deitz, I'm from Davenport, Iowa. My favorite bands include: Mucupurulent, Cock and Ball Torture, Rompeprop, Cunt Grinder, and Carcass. I am currently joining the Army, I'll be shipping out for Boot Camp June 23rd over to Fort Jackson, SC. Going to kill some bastardized Al-Quada and sever their heads off with just a steak knife on my own camcorder. Anyway, just like to introduce myself was all, hope to meet more people here. Dont have much else to say, sorry so short. Anyway :headbang:

