"Hello," the moronic Junior Member said.


Plagued by insanity.
Nov 24, 2002
Hi. These forums are pretty big. It is taking a while to get a feel for the place, so I apologize if alot of my posts are pretty inane. Opeth is my favorite band. I know some of you think they are overrated and some of you may go as far as to say they suck, but they are like the coolest thing I have ever heard so far. I see them as the Pink Floyd of death metal.
Originally posted by IgnorancePersonified
I see them as the Pink Floyd of death metal.

You're cool in my book.

(What book? And where are all these books everyone seems to have?)
Originally posted by IgnorancePersonified
That banana seems fairly excited. You would think it would get tired after a while.

Ask around, he’s been here for quite some time. Since his arrival people have been painfully pondering the question, if no one is in the forum to see him, does the banana continue to dance? I guess we’ll never know…
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Since his arrival people have been painfully pondering the question, if no one is in the forum to see him, does the banana continue to dance? I guess we’ll never know…

Welcome, ...IP? Yes, that shall be your name :)
You can change it. Just go to "Profile" at the top of your screen. It should be there, just look around for it.
Computer geek jokes are the best.

Q: Why do programmers celebrate Christmas on Halloween?

A: Because Oct 31 = Dec 25


Oh fine.. in hexdec, octal 31 has the equal value to decal 25. I think. Die.