"Hello," the moronic Junior Member said.

We snared another ...... sweet! :D

*Watches as IP warily backs his way towards the door...*

"Don't let him get away!"

*Pulls out straight jacket* :evilgrin:

P.S. Oh......... and, :wave: Hi, by the way.......... ;)
Welcome to the boards, IP!! :wave: I wouldn't worry about the inane thing... the people on here have taken "inane" to a new level... :D

Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Computer geek jokes are the best.

Q: Why do programmers celebrate Christmas on Halloween?

A: Because Oct 31 = Dec 25


Oh fine.. in hexdec, octal 31 has the equal value to decal 25. I think. Die.
I must be a geek, 'cos I laughed. :cry:
Oh, the sadness. I want to curl up into a ball, and let the ground swallow me up... :cry: :cry: except I'm on the 5th floor, so I'd have to freefall about 50 feet first. Oh.... :( :(
AH! but that is why you have come to our world, my friend - to learn more of this wonderful thing called "metal". :D

Oh, i almost forgot.... HELLO!!!!

I don't like IP.
I'm gonna call you Iggy.
Or Iggy P.
Or Junior.
Or Iggy P. Jr.

OH! I've got it!

The Iggy P. Jr. formerly known as IP

Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Hey IP, do you have a cousin named TCP??

sorry, that's a reeeeally fucking bad computer geek joke, but I couldn't resist ;p

I love it :cry:

Originally posted by IgnorancePersonified
For instance, until today, I did not know that Nevermore was a band.

Yes...I was going to point that out :D

Anyways, hoyo :wave:

And despite what Static X may say, I am, in fact, a giant novelty Pancake :mad:
Originally posted by IgnorancePersonified
I always enjoy being welcomed by a 42 year old kid who exercises maturity in the Opeth forums. Ha ha, sorry, I can be pretty stupid sometimes. What can I say, I am a rather ignorant person.

:p :lol:

I don't exercise THAT much maturity here - just enough.