Hello there! :)


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2007
Hello from up here in Canada! I don't have much to say but I guess I'll give basic vitals...
Born in Batnaya, Iraq. Batnaya is of Armaic origin, and is an Assyrian-Chaldean village.
I'm of Armenian/Turkish/Arab race. And believe me, Arab is just really a term for my "sub-races", which are Syrian/Assyrian/Chaldean/Iraqi. :lol:
Uhhh... did I mention I'll probably feel out of place as, not only am I a female but part of races that shun metal completely? :lol:
Yup, I'm a stereotypical wise-ass teenager at times, so brace yourselves. However, I'm usually pretty calm.

That's all I feel is necessary to tell. Fuck I'm such an open book! :OMG:

Salam (peace),
maiden1 welcomes thE Flora to the Children of the Damned.:flame::rock:
you will get no peace here, but you will get respect, if respect is given, enjoy your stay......ROCK:kickass:

Well that was an interesting welcome. :)
By the way what the fuck is up with the "Date Beautiful Arab Women" ad showing up on this page? :lol: Fuck, one of the links is www.datemuslimgirls.com! Hahahaha..... I can't believe it... do people think all Arabs are Muslim? :lol:
:OMG:Flora, wasn't my welcome warm enough for you:flame:

I like to talk other people from around the globe, beats talking to the non metal heads around my erea :Puke::waah:

Anyway: welcome:kickass: welcome:rock: welcome:lol:

Well that was an interesting welcome. :)
By the way what the fuck is up with the "Date Beautiful Arab Women" ad showing up on this page? :lol: Fuck, one of the links is www.datemuslimgirls.com! Hahahaha..... I can't believe it... do people think all Arabs are Muslim? :lol:
Those are automated advertisements based on your location.. determined through your IP address.

Anyway, Welcome aboard. :)
Maiden: I adore you already. You act just too cute. :)
Cryptal - Yeah, I guessed that, but man... I'm not even Muslim. :lol:
Welcome Flora...

You're of Armenian/Turkish/Arab race. :OMG:

I am only Turkish.. I am neither in to Islamic issues nor the others though.. :p

We're brothers and sisters of metal.. Thats it :rock:
Nice to know another Turk on here. Wow it's been so long since I checked my e-mail to watch the topics on here, hahaha.
Oh yea isn't the Turkish language called Turkce or something like that? Sorry if I sound like an idiot, haha.

@ Unfaithfully Metalhead
Genres? Bands? Doom, Goth (not that shit you can hear on the radio, Lol), Power
There's usually something I like from even bands I hate, but here goes: Octavia Sperati, old Nightwish, Trail of Tears, Kamelot, old Metallica, Imperia, and I'm getting kind of lazy so I'll stop there.