Hello to all the other Vintersorg fans


love your Crotch
May 11, 2001
Los Angeles
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I've basically just been looking around the Opeth board, and I thought I'd see what else UM has to offer. This is great. By the way, does anyone here know about Dame en Noir or ...and Oceans? And does anyone know where Oceans are from? The CD has the address in Finland, but it looks like the lyrics are mostly in Swedish. I hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks.
Hello :)

i've only heard ...and Oceans and i far as i know they're finnish but some lyrics are in swedish, english and some lines in finnish :)
Hi! ;)
I don't know much from ...And Oceans, only a few songs. But I have a kind of split-cd (is this called so?): ...And Oceans and Bloodthorn play each 2 new own songs, one song from the other band and one cover-song.
btw.: does anyone know who "GGFH" is/are? the cover-songs are from this band/artist...or who/whatever it is :D :cool:
thanks astarte! :)
...And Oceans cover "Flesh" and Bloodthorn do "Dead Men Don't Rape" .... and the music sounds as the titles tell... ;) somehow weird... :lol:
Whoillah Kourosh :eek:)

I've heard ...and Oceans as well, and I think they're GREAT! :eek:)
Does anyone know if they have a site? I've searched for it a
lot, but everytime I end up with a site in Sweden that only
says "...and Oceans" and has a blue background.... :eek:/
Link, anyone? :eek:)

What are Dame en Noir like?
anyone else think ......and Oceans has very strange song names?
Other than that I havent heard their music? Arent they black metal?

Welcome Kourosh :headbang:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Arent they black metal?

People call them blackmetal, I don't understand
genres :eek:) I just call them techno-blackmetal :eek:)
I love the way they have mixed extreme techno
& metal together, and make it sound agressive
and energetic.

I hope you don't get put off by reading it has
techno-influences, check it out! :eek:)
Not for everyone I think, but I love it :eek:)
/me doesn't understand genres neither!!!!!!
it's just that I don't get it....Finntroll is not black metal!!!!!!!!!

fathervic (making his own genres)