Place for Vintersorg fans


DeadsouL of a modern bard
Oct 9, 2001
Hi ! that welcome Vintersorg fans thread gived me that idea , since Winter frost have give a little description of himself and ask to others to do the same some followed talking about Vintersorg , well
thats the place for that ! but now i just want to
know more about you vintersorg fans ! heres the
place for you to make ppl know you better and know
others better ! so well i start...i am 19 years old and live in canada (even if that is writen in my profile...) i love music (vintersorg of course)
but a lot of other bands like nightwish , children of bodom , therion , sins of thy beloved
other more thrash metal and some hard rock too
(Satriani , Vai and Malmsteen : the great sweedish
guitarist !) and well i sing in a band write lyrics , love poetry , i am interested into others
(thats why i started this thread !) and who cares
:lol: so well tell me more about you guys !
All rightie then....

19 years of age, living in Oslo, Norway, with my beloved one.
I'm a total musicfanatic little loner...
Extremly non social, though people say I'm ultra social...
Boy, have they got me all wrong >:o) hehehe...

My fav bands can not be written here as I tend to go on for
too long, when I first start listing >:oP

I play some acoustic guitar, but I'm stuck in one place,
and I can't get any further. So, I don't get better,
and I'm not very good >:o) But I love playing and
singing though... oh, and I write some songs....

The thing I am really good at is dreaming, and wanting things...
I always want to express something, do something nice...
That keeps me creative :o)

Want to know more? You can always check out my site
(you'll find url in my profile if you're interested :o) ....)

Who's next? :o)
ah ! its seems that you are almost all passing by this thread but don't want to give any info on you :confused: ah well are you shy ? or no one care ?